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( Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom sadly. He is the work of Mr. Hartman. The picture is not mine either, but the work of Amethyst-Ocean). 

      Danny Fenton was now 16 years old, so it was no surprise to him when his voice started cracking. " Ugh! Enough Tuck, I'm tired of you la-ughing at me!" Just because he expected it didn't mean he enjoyed it though. Danny glared at the techno geek. " Can't help it..." Tucker managed to gasp between the full blown laughter. "Knock it off!" Goth Sam Manson scolded while also managing to knock Tucker in the back of the head. Sam took her seat in the torn Nasty Burger Booth and put a comforting hand on her mopey friend. " Hey, now. It'll be over soon. You know Tucker's just jealous because his voice hasn't changed yet." "Hey!" Danny smiled at Tucker's outburst. " Tha-nks Sam, you alw-ays know what to say."" Anytime Danny." The two smiled and blushed oblivious to the closeness of their hands on the table. Tucker muttered something along the lines of "love birds" under his breath.

Drawing not mine ,but Marissa @friking-awsom-kitten's! Thank you soooo much! Your amazing! Isn't it the drawing great?

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Drawing not mine ,but Marissa @friking-awsom-kitten's! Thank you soooo much! Your amazing! Isn't it the drawing great?

( Cue theme song) Sing it! Ya know ya want to!

          Danny's awkward voice cracking sadly lasted for a few weeks. " Hey Fen-tonio!" Dash mocked while passing the fuming teen in the halls. " Well he didn't shove you in a locker." the Techno geek said trying to lighten the mood. Danny glared at Tucker when the jock backtracked to Danny. " Almost forgot, thanks for reminding me Geek!" The half ghost yelped at the sudden shove into his locker. " Well at least..." " Don't say it!" Danny cried as he phased through and of course it was then his ghost sense went off. "For the record I blame you..." Danny ran to the bathroom and turned into his white haired alter ego. " I'm Goin' Ghost!"

     As Danny Phantom the teen flew out of the boy's bathroom

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     As Danny Phantom the teen flew out of the boy's bathroom. " Who is it n-ow?" "I am the box ghost! Even you Danny Phantom shall tremble at all that is cardboard! Fear me!" At the old cliche Danny yawned. "Sorry Boxy, your reign of cardboard d-oom will h-ave to ha-ppen another day." As his voice cracked he winced. " Haha ghost boy! You sound even more ridiculous than me!" The Box Ghost laughed as he was sucked up by the familiar bright be of light which meant entrapment in the Fenton thermos. 'Even the box ghost is laughing at me, great. This thing better be over soon!" 

     "Danny time to get up!" The teen heard his mom yell. From the sound of it she was in the kitchen making breakfast, which could mean one of two things. Maddie pitied Danny and wanted to cheer him up or they were celebrating some new invention. "Ughhh!" Danny groaned as he tried to open his eyes. The sleepy teen pushed himself out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. As he got up he noticed himself in the mirror. He noticed he had grown a few inches. He was now at a height of 6'1'' , taller than even Dash. He also had muscles. Not that he didn't have before from the ghost fighting. They were just more defined, and smaller than Dash's. More Spider man than Hulk. 'Wow! What happened?' Danny questioned at the welcome change. Danny shook his head hearing his mom call again. As he walked down the stairs he could smell the pancakes, the one thing his mom didn't mess up and turn into some ectodisaster. 

   "Hey sweetie!" Maddie greeted happily. " We've got some great news to share with you kids later!" Danny nodded smiling. He was afraid to speak. He knew his family wouldn't tease him but he still felt uncomfortable with the puberty voice and decided to talk only when necessary. " Hey little bro!" Jazz called coming from her room, clad in her usual black shirt with turquoise pants and headband. Danny nodded in greeting. Jazz hated not hearing her little brother, but allowed it nonetheless. 'He'll talk eventually.' she reasoned. Jazz noticed what was different about Danny. "Wow Danny, when did you get to be as tall as dad?" The young boy shrugged. "My baby boy's growing up!" Maddie gushed while taking out the syrup. "Thanks mom for breakfast. We better go or we'll be late! I'll take some to go." The redhead also poured herself some coffee as she packed. Danny grabbed his bag and waved goodbye to his mom. Usually he would fly as Phantom, but he had agreed to ride with Jazz last night. "Alright, seat-belt on?" Danny gave his sister a pointed look. "What?" It was then Danny demonstrated his intangibility. "Oh yeah. Right!" The redheaded teen flushed. "Sorry, it's easy to forget my little brother is so talented." At this the younger teen rolled his eyes. 

     " Were here!" Jazz announced. Danny looked unenthusiastic. "Come on little brother. This is probably one of the few times you won't be late." Danny stared blankly at Casper High and opened the door. As the Fenton siblings walked to their respective classes Danny saw Sam and Tucker. "Hey man!" Tucker called. "Hey Danny!" Sam greeted warmly. Danny fist bumped Tucker and gave Sam a one armed hug. "Still not talking?" Sam asked concerned. At this Danny shook his head. "We better hurry to English. Come on." They entered the class in silence.

    " Alright. Lets pick up Hamlet where we left of" William Lancer announced to the class. " We are at Hamlet's soliloquy. Some of the most famous words in English Literature. Mr. Fenton would you do the honors?" Danny gulped and saw Dash snicker. 'Here goes everything...' Danny nodded, not wanting to give in to Dash, and took a breath. " To be, or not to be?" Danny paused, "that is the question-" It wasn't until then that the young teen noticed everyone staring at him. 'What's wrong with them? Probably my voice acting up again." He pushed through ignoring all the surprised faces. "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous..." Danny then noticed Tucker and Sam's worried glances. it wasn't until then he paused in realization as he heard his own voice. No, not his voice, he would never call it that. It was that monster's voice. Dan Phantom's voice.

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