You Will Remember My Name

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AN: Me:Hey guys, I brought a special guest! Danny!!! Come here ghost boy!                                                                                                                      Danny: Hey guys. Still don't understand why bubbly Ariel is doing all this crazy stuff to me. I hate my evil older self and your making me become him! (Whines with puppy dog face).                        Me: Now Danny, come on. It's what's inside that counts!                      Danny: Says the one who gave up her voice so she could be human. Ugh, Authors just love torturing their characters. Next thing you'll make me full ghost. (Sees my evil grin and backs away slowly.) No stop that bubblyariel!!! You can't!                                 Me: Don't worry so much,yesh! Now go stop Ember. You better remember her name!                                                                                      Danny: Oh, before I go Bubblyariel wants to thank you guys for reading, following, voting, and commenting 10 followers and over 800 reads! Better go before she gets any more ideas.                    Me:I heard that! Anyway I won't hold you any longer. Enjoy the next chapter!                                                                              

            Once Danny had calmed down dinner past with few mishaps besides a few stray ecto rays back and forth and the occasional jab. He had apologized for his bizarre reaction to the gauntlets and claimed it was because he had seen something similar in a movie, which didn't have a happy ending.It was fun to see the millionaire squirm. The teen had been up through the night kept up, not by ghosts, but by fear. He wasn't sure exactly what he was afraid of yet. The invention, recent developments that had him looking closer to his evil self, or Vlad. What was he up to? Danny didn't know when he had fallen asleep, but it certainly wasn't at any reasonable time. It wasn't until he felt the rays of the sun warm his cheek that he woke up. "Ughh! No ghosts and I still don't get a good night's sleep." Danny grumbled. He grabbed his purple backpack and changed as he glanced at the clock. "No! I'm gonna be late!" Danny needed to get to school on time. He had so many tardys and unexcused absences he could right a book. Of course he couldn't tell them he wanted to be there, but had to save the city from rampaging ghosts. Not exactly a school friendly excuse. 

            Danny suddenly something weird happen to his body. He felt as if he became nothing. He was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. 'What's going on?' Just as unexpectedly as the sensation began, it ended. Danny took a minute to compose himself and figure out what had just happened. It was then he noticed his surroundings. He saw an empty hallway full of green rusted lockers. "I'm at school?"  He was dumbstruck as to how he got there. It was then realization hit him. "Teleportation, sweet!" As far as new powers went this one was a nice and pretty awesome surprise. Just as he shouted the tardy bell rang. "And not so sweet." Danny deadpanned.

             As Danny entered Lancer's class he saw Sam and Tucker. The pair were in there usual seats, with an empty desk in the middle for Danny. "Mr.Fenton," Lancer began. "I hope you have an explanation for being tardy, once again to my class." The black haired boy hung his head. "I overslept Mr.Lancer. I'm sorry, but I really do want to be here on time." The teacher took a breath through his nose. "There is a difference between wanting and doing Mr.Fenton, though I do appreciate you do not intentionally skip my class. Now go take your seat." As Danny passed the jocks to get to his desk a paper football hit him on the head. Danny unwrinkled the paper and read the sloppy handwriting.                                                                                                                 Fenturd, meet me after school on the football field today, Or ELSE!                -DASH                                                                                                    As he took his seat he glanced at Sam and Tucker. They looked anxious for some reason unknown to Danny. He took out a piece of paper.                                                                                                                                 Why do you two look so worried? -D                                                                                      Danny passed the note to Sam. As she read the goth shook her head and gave Danny an incredulous look. She then passed the paper to Tucker. After writing something himself, the techno-geek passed the paper to Danny.                                                      We were worried about you, clueless idiot! Also you never did explain why you called last night.                -S                                      Yeah man. With all that's going on, we know it's tough on you. Was it ghosts that made you late? And what was up with that phone call with Sam?             -TF                                                     Danny glanced at the messages and scribbled a quick one.                I'll explain everything later.  -D                                                                                                            

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