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          In one of the most strangest parts of the ghost zone there stands a tower outside of time. Only a select few know of it's existence. Most of the time the only visitors were... "Clockwork!!!" Two voices exclaimed at the same time. "The Observants..." Muttered the ghost of time. 'I must be civil, even with those nitwits.' The omniscient ghost thought to himself. "Welcome Observants, what are you doing here?" An Observant rolled his eye, a rather interesting thing to see. "Like you don't know Clockwork." At this Clockwork chuckled. "That's true ,but what is the point in coming to me then?" "It's..." "Danny Phantom, I know." "He's turning evil!"The first Observant shouted. " He's turning evil!" The second repeated. "You said that twice." Clockwork stated calmly. After so many a millennia one perfected the skill of patience,especially when having to deal with ghosts such as the Observants. "Why do you believe he's turning evil?" "He is becoming like Dan. You saw yourself how he is becoming more like that creature" The observant pointed to the dented thermos standing by itself on a table. The malicious face of Dan was forever imprinted on it. Apparently that was as far as Dan got. "Did you forget that Danny might look like Dan due to them being the same person. He may have the same physical traits ,but that does not mean he will turn evil." Clockwork reasoned. "Yes Clockwork ,but the boy will also come into new powers. He may even become more powerful than his future self. What's to say that he won't turn and become evil?" "Danny Phantom is still a pure soul. I will not harm him without good reason. Now I must get back to my work. If you'll excuse me." As Clockwork passed the Observants and returned to the viewing room he noticed the thermos."What do you think of that Dan? Your younger self is getting more powerful everyday. He's also becoming like you physically." Dan was silent."What is it Dan? Are you still bitter he managed to beat you?" "It was luck! I would have won anyway had you not..." "Intervened?" Clockwork finished. "Stop finishing what I'm saying! It gets so annoying!" Dan roared. "Are you sure you would have won Dan? Are you sure you didn't do all those things just so I would set back time? Just so they would still be alive?" "Stop it!" Dan growled. Clockwork continued. "Think about it. You never killed Vlad or Valerie. You couldn't due to your past." "I killed my human half. What can you say to that?" "You hated yourself. Hated your human half for rejecting you. You would have killed yourself if you..." "SHUT UP! I'M GONNA GET OUT OF HERE SOMEDAY AND WHEN I DO I SWEAR I'LL KILL EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!" "Oh, Dan..." Clockwork whispered. "You tried to get rid of your human emotions not realizing you made it so much worse." As Clockwork left Dan to his ranting he watched the screen with the present Danny Phantom. "All is as it should be."

               Back at Fentonworks Maddie Fenton, dressed in her usual blue jumpsuit was working on her and Jack's newest project

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               Back at Fentonworks Maddie Fenton, dressed in her usual blue jumpsuit was working on her and Jack's newest project. Vlad had given them the idea. As much as she hated the creep he was rich, and had good ideas. She absolutely despised doing personal business with the man. 'Whew, I bet Jack can't wait to test this baby out.' Maddie cleaned up the lab and went to the kitchen to heat up some food. "On second thought maybe I'll just order takeout." The ghost-huntress decided as she lifted up the glowing pizzia. "Hey mom I'm home!" An unfamiliar voice shouted from the doorway. "Danny?" Maddie  questioned. "Yeah, it's me mom." As she turned around she was happy to see the face of her baby boy. Well, she definitely couldn't call him a baby anymore. His baby face had disappeared and become more angular. He was as tall as his dad now. And this most recent development with the voice. "Honey, your voice finally came in!" Maddie noted the tiny grimace before the smile. "Um yeah. Where's Jazz?" "She's still at the library working on that project." Maddie noted how similar and different her kids were to her and Jack. Jazz was smart like the both of them, maybe even more so. She wasn't a fighter though like Maddie. She had recently become interested in ghosts though. Danny was clueless and kind like Jack. He had a good head on his shoulders even if he was a bit secretive. Maddie was still bothered by this, the one mystery she had yet to discover. "Mom?" Her son asked concerned. "You okay." Maddie shook her head. "Sorry Danny, I'm fine. Just lost in my thoughts I guess." At this Danny smiled. "Guess I know where I got that from." Maddie chuckled happy to have something in common with her baby boy who had been to distant lately. "Oh about the invention we were going to show you guys tonight, it'll have to wait. Your dad was out all day ordering the supplies we need so it's not done." Maddie saw a flash of nervousness on her son's face. It was then she heard the car come into the driveway. "I'm back!" Jazz called out to whoever was home." "Were in the kitchen!" Maddie called to her eldest. "Hey mom, hi Danny." Jazz greeted. "Hey sweetie. Did you finish what you needed." "Almost, I just need a test subject." At this Jazz grinned and glanced at Danny. "I will not be your lab rat Jazz!" Danny then clasped a hand on his mouth. Jazz stared wide eyed at her brother. "Danny?" Maddie had no clue what was going on. "Um, I'm gonna go upstairs now." Danny ran up the stairs before Maddie knew it. "Jazz what's going on?" Jazz seemed scared of Danny's voice. Come to think of it Danny seemed to not like it himself. "Nothing's going on mom. I was just caught off guard a little by Danny's new voice. I'm sure Danny isn't used to it yet either.I'm going to check on him." Jazz went upstairs leaving Maddie to wonder what was going on with her children. 

       Jazz had called Danny's closest friends to see if what she thought was right

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       Jazz had called Danny's closest friends to see if what she thought was right. As per usual she was right on the bat."Danny?" Jazz called and then opened the door to her brother's room. "What's the point in asking if your gonna come in anyway?" "Courtesy." Jazz answered. "Danny are you alright." "Well let's see I sound like my evil older self, I'm even more of a freak at school, oh and let's not forget I scared you." Jazz laughed. "I was just caught off guard Danny, besides you'll never scare me little brother. Remember the time you ran around when you were five in nothing but your underwear and a blanket?" The halfa blushed at the memory. "Well that was when things were normal. When I was normal." Jazz had to know if Danny was really okay. "Danny are you sure this thing hasn't upset you in anyway." "Jazz for the last time I'm fine. You don't need to psychoanalyze every move I make!" The redhead frowned at the outburst. "Danny I'm sorry. I'm just trying to see how much of an effect this has on you. Sam and Tucker told me you had a near panic attack when you heard yourself." "Yeah well can you blame me?" The younger teen asked. "No, I can't blame you." The older teen sighed. "Look I appreciate you trying to help, but just please don't treat me as if I'm made of glass." "Okay little brother. Just don't expect me to stop worrying about you completely. I'm your big sister. It's kind of my job. Also my little brother fights ghosts. You can't expect me to not worry about you. It's just sometimes I miss the times before you got your powers." Jazz whispered. Suddenly Danny felt very guilty. "Jazz, I'm sorry. I just never thought about...ugh I guess I accepted the possibility something might happen to me. I never knew how you felt. I wish I could change it all Jazz. If I could stop the accident I would have." The halfa wrapped his arms around his sister. He then noticed the tears. "Hey don't cry Jazz. I'm alright." Jazz broke off from Danny, still with a few tears in her eyes, and made him look down so they could be eye to eye.  "Look at me Danny. You've done so much good with your powers. Don't you dare ever try to wish them away. Remember that little boy you saved last week. He wants to grow up to be like you! Do you know how proud I am of you? How many people can say they stopped a bus full of kids from crashing? How many people would dream of a chance to do the things you can do? Anyone else might use it for their own personal gain. Danny, you use your powers for others. Your a hero Danny, to Tucker, Sam, the town, and to me. Yes I may miss things the way they used to be sometimes. Yes I may hate that you come home hurting. Yes it hurts to see you scared of mom and dad's inventions, but you know what? I wouldn't trade your powers for the world. No matter what anyone says your not a freak. Your my brother." The redhead then hugged her brother once more. "Danny," Her voice shaky. "Promise me you'll always fight for what's right. Promise me you won't change who you are. Promise me you'll never give up no matter what." Could he do it? 

                                                                   "I promise Jazz, I promise"

                                                                   "I promise Jazz, I promise"

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