Everything goes right (for now)

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And I did draw the photo! :)

Uses AlI-might voice: " I AM HERE!" Coughs Um SO I don't know which of You are still here though since I've been gone for so long! I'm so sorry! I have been going through a rough time and have not been able to write! It has been a really rough patch for me even b4 Corona. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope to keep writing :) Thank you all who have been waiting so patiently and welcome new readers! This chapter is short but I promise the next will be longer.

               Danny was still reeling from the kiss. He soared above his town of Amity grinning from ear to ear. He had brought Sam near her house just close enough to her house to be able to walk and not be seen. Her final words on his mind. "See ya soon Ghost boy." She had murmured into his ear.  "Ok, my princess of darkness.." She then punched him lightly in the elbow as he had gone overboard on the cheesiness. In response, he had laughed and had given her a final short and sweet kiss.  He had then proceeded to make a stupendous exit flying upward in a burst of exhilaration. 

           It wasn't long before he reached home to the Sound of....definitely, not silence. "Hello?" Danny called making his way downstairs to where he knew they would be. "Mom, dad...?" "HEY DANNO!!" Jack's voiced boomed throughout the lab spooking his son. "Oh, sorry son. I didn't meant to..." Danny held a hand out interrupting his father. "It's okay! You wouldn't be my dad without your Fenton enthusiasm." Danny grinned for effect.  "Where's Tuck?" "Oh, he's playing that game you boys like upstairs on your computer." His mom answered. "What is it again...Boom, Zoom, Goon..." "It's Doom mom," Danny stated monotonously.  

          Maddie had seemed to pad the cold lab table. "You mind hopping up here Danny? I promise nothing will hurt. I even made it nice for you." The teen hopped up unceremoniously and took a breath. His mom was doing her best to make him comfortable. She knew it was him and there was no reason she would hurt him. Maddie rubbed Danny's shoulders and took his pulse. "Ummm...Danny...with this pulse..." Danny knew his pulse was way below normal. "Um yeah, that's just a part of the whole half-ghost thing." Maddie nodded and continued with temperature and simple bloodwork. She noticed the lower temp and the slight greenish glow the blood contained. 

          A plethora of tests were performed, all harmless and some even fun. Maddie had asked Danny to showcase his abilities, which Danny would say had very much enhanced since he had gained them.  Just as Danny had gotten to ice blasts He heard a yelp. "GAh! Geez, man! Watch where you're aiming!" Danny helped his friend up as he had fallen into a heap of boxes. "Sorry, Tuck! Just doing some tests with my parents. Man, that feels weird to say!" Tucker was happy for his friend no longer having to hide what he was. "I know, but get used to it! I knew your parents would be cool. They love you!" The raven-haired boy gave his friend a huge grin. Danny glanced back at the pair as they compared notes and tried to figure out various ways to help Danny from injuries acquired from fights. He heard words that went over his head. Two of the few things he did make out was Incompatibility and blood It was sobering to think about, to say the least.

"What about blood loss? How will we deal with that Jack?!" 

"Store some of his blood so we can use it if he needs it..."

                      Danny did not like the talk about blood leaving his body. "Your father and I were just trying to figure out what to do if you lose to much blood, because your blood is no longer compatible with any other type, nor is it compatible with ectoplasm. What are we going to do if you get seriously hurt?" Her face was scrunched with worry as she grabbed her son's hand. Her mind was racing thinking of the things her son had already endured. What else he would endure in the future. She couldn't live like this. 

"I know what we need to do...

We need to close the Ghost Portal."

Well there it is! I know It's short, but I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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