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      "Mr. Fenton are you alright?" Danny heard Mr.Lancer asked. All the voices sounded like screams to Danny. He was about to have a freak-out. He couldn't sound like that,it wasn't real. 'NOT REAL, NOT REAL!' Danny repeated like a mantra in his head. "Mr.Fenton?" Lancer was really worried now. 'Say something Fenton.' "Uh..." Danny winced at the baritone voice. "Sorry Mr.Lancer. Could I go to the restroom? I'm not feeling so hot." This was the truth for once. "Why don't you go to the nurse Mr. Fenton if your feeling so badly?" "Mr.Lancer I'll be fine, I just need a minute or two in the restroom." Lancer appeared to still want the teen to go to the nurse instead, but obliged. "Go ahead, but if you get worse I want you to head straight to the nurse." As Danny passed the jocks he could make out Dash whispering to Quan, " A freaky voice for the freak." Then Danny started running. From the whispers, from the stares, from himself.

(play this as you read the next part)

        The water was cold. Danny repeatedly splashed himself with the icy liquid to make it go away. Suddenly he heard a voice. "Danny?" 'Tucker?' He saw Tucker by the doorway. "Come on man, don't make me come and drag you out, well you could just phase through. Ugh you know what I mean!" Danny laughed at his friend's quirkiness and humor ,but became somber quickly as he thought about that alternative future where both Tucker and Sam had died. This whole half-ghost thing had ruined his life. He had once had a dream to become an astronaut. He had given that up. He thought he had found something better saving his town from ghosts. Some hero he was. "Come on out man. I know it's a little scary ,but it doesn't change who you are man." Danny hoped to God that was true. He hadn't told Jazz,Tucker, or Sam everything that had happened. He had hid the truth from them to protect them. They didn't need to know how he had seen them almost die before his very eyes. Those were his demons he had to deal with. He couldn't Let his friends and family down, but he had. Was he down that path again? If yes than he hell bound. All he could say was that it was all for them that he tried to be good. Maybe deep down he really was evil. Hadn't they always been the ones to bring him back when he made bad choices? Wasn't it them who kept him sane. He had seen that future and knew what would happen if he lost them. It was only because of them he kept his demons hidden.

 It was only because of them he kept his demons hidden

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      Danny suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "Come on man. Let's get back to Lancer. You know I think it's actually pretty cool. Danny raised an eyebrow. "What? It is cool I'm not lying. Girl's will be going crazy for you with that voice!" The halfa rolled his icy blue eyes. "Tuck,uh, your not scared of the voice are you?" Danny asked quietly peeking through his hands. "Danny look at me. I'll admit that you sounding like your older self is a bit creepy. Okay a little bit more than creepy,but your still you. If you think this little thing is gonna tear our threesome apart you are mistaken my friend. We've been through worse. Did you give up on me when I acted like a jerk and wished for ghost powers,no. Did Sam and I give up on you when we saw that potential future,no. So don't give up on yourself dude. If you do I will have Sam come and knock you into the Ghost Zone, understand?" Danny looked up at his friend and smiled. "Ya know Tuck you just may have a career as a motivational speaker." At this Tucker smirked. "Pshh, it was nothing but my geeky charisma. I am quite inspirational when I want to be." "Don't push it Tuck, don't push it, and Thanks. I really needed to hear that." "No prob bro. Now lets get back to Lancer's. Sam looked like she was just about to come after you herself." Danny laughed. He saw Tucker flinch. "Sorry, that's gonna take a while to get used to man." The black haired teen sighed. "For me too Tuck, for me too."

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