Bullies and Billionares

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       Danny tried his best to not let his fangs be exposed. Otherwise he would become an even bigger freak. "Are they looking?" Danny asked his friends who were beside him. "Danny that's the 5th time you've asked that! For the last time NO ONE IS LOOKING!" Sam yelled the last part a little too loudly. Sam then realized her mistake as did Tucker. "And now they are." The beret wearing teen responded in usual Tucker fashion. "Oh, and what do you have to hide Danny?" A girl with a hispanic accent purred. 


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   "Paulina." Sam hissed. She then noticed Danny and his hopeless lost puppydog face. "Come on Danny. Why are you so worried?" Paulina went to put her finger under Danny's chin ,but Sam slapped the dainty hand away. "Back off! He doesn't have to answer to you!" "Wow, goth freak! Didn't know you really were a leech." The popular girl sneered. It was then Danny came out of his daze. Nobody talked that way to his friends. "Don't you ever call Sam that name, or any other name. I don't care what you do to me, but don't you EVER mock my friends. Got that." He said it softly glaring at the girl. Paulina shrunk under the cold gaze. That new voice really was terrifying when Danny wanted it to be. She then noticed the pointed teeth and had to have the last word. "I see she got you to convert to her gothic ways. Fangs, please, you guys are all such losers. I have much better things to do anyway. Adios." 

     Danny was a little shellshocked to say the least. "Is she always like that with you?" He asked Sam softly. "Pretty much. Don't worry about it Danny. She's nothing more than a minor annoyance. It's fine." "Sam, don't say it's fine! She shouldn't treat you like that. I can't believe I saw anything in her." "Yeah, it's been a whole minute." Sam said sarcastically. "I'm sorry I never believed you Sam." Danny remembered every time Sam had warned Danny of Paulina's shallowness. He had thought she was overreacting. "It's okay. Thank's for sticking up for me when it mattered." The girl was happy Danny finally understood. "Dude did you see how scared she was?" Tucker asked Danny. "Did I scare her that bad?" "Maybe a little." The boy groaned. "Great! Just peachy." The geek elbowed his friend. "On the bright side it's meat lover Monday!" "You just had to have your meat back didn't you?" The goth rolled her eyes. "Hey at least we compromised with Salad Wednesday." At this the goth smirked and laughed. "Yeah I guess we did." The trio went arm and arm to their next class.

     After English got out Team Phantom made their way to the cafeteria. As the trio headed towards the wonders of mystery meat and soggy mashed potatoes they heard shouting. "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!"  Danny raised an eyebrow. "Dash?" "Dash." Tucker confirmed. "Be right back guys." He walked up to the commotion and saw Dash pinning the redheaded nerd Mikey. "Lil' Mikey who's gonna save you?" The jock mocked. Danny, quick with ghostly reflexes stood in front of Mikey. "Fenton? Get Lost! Your lucky I'm not wailing on you today. Now move before I change my mind." "Back off Dash." Danny growled. For a second, it looked as if to Danny there was fear in Dash's eyes. 'Oh great now I'm scaring him to!' Mikey looked back and forth between the two boys. "Fenton, If you don't step away now your dead meat." The jock warned. "Am I Dash?" Danny challenged. The ghostly rage in the teen swelled up. How many people had Dash Baxter beaten down? How many times had Danny himself been brought low by the bully? Enough was enough. "I suggest you walk away now." The halfa whispered menacingly.      

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