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Is it? It is!!! AN UPDATEEEE!!! I'm soooooooooooo SORRY GUYS! Pleads for forgiveness! You understand busyness and writer's block right? Well I'm still planning to finish this story so NEVER fear about that! It just might take awhile.... Anyway I hope you enjoy this chappie and hope you don't mind some fluff. All I can say is, things seem ok for once for our Danny. (Danny: Thank goodness!) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 12K READS!!!!! I'm seriously Blown AWAYYYY!!!!! (Where my Hamilton fam at? You better sing the song!) Alright Enjoy!          

The sky was calm once more yet pitch black except for a few stars and the sliver of a moon. The R.V. Pulled up to the Manson residence much to Sam's dread.  She took a breath as she prepared for the stop. Danny knew what she was thinking and how much she was dreading going in. She actually looked more terrified then when they went after ghosts. The teen squeezed his friend's hand and a knowing look and looked at her with those blue eyes. Thankfully they had returned blue a while ago.  "Hey it'll be alright. If you want I can come with you to the door." Sam nodded. She knew what it meant to be around her parents. Always going on about how he was a bad influence on her! The irony! Sam still didn't feel quite ready. It was then the elder Fenton's entered the conversation. "Sam honey, would you like to spend the night with us? In Jazz's room of course, and we'll still have to ask permission, but just maybe they'll say yes." The goth then let out an ear splitting smile, surprised by the kindness. "Really Mrs.Fenton?" "Of course sweetie. I think you all could use some time together after the night you had, and you're practically part of the family." Danny of course couldn't help but remember his dad calling her spooky-ooky batgirl and held a chuckle. Sam got strength from the words of the people she wished were her family. She even secretly longed to be a Fenton, but not by adoption. She snuck a shy peek at her best friend as this thought came to mind. She could not keep the large splotch of red on her face.

                 As Sam exited the RV she noticed the porch lights were on and her parents by the door

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                 As Sam exited the RV she noticed the porch lights were on and her parents by the door. They actually looked concerned. One could even say distraught! "Sam!!!" Her mom cried almost latching on to Sam like a lifeline. Her dad had tears in his eyes and came to join his wife. "Sweetie!" Mrs.Pamela Manson sobbed mascara running down her eyes. "We thought we had lost you!" Her father whispered. "We called you but no answers! And then we heard of the school terrorized by Phantom and couldn't help but wonder if it was you trapped in there." Sam for once genuinely embraced her parents and shed a tear. "I'm fine, I'm fine." She whispered to console her parents. It was then she spoke up. "I actually was in there. I made it out with no scratches. Phantom was controlled. It wasn't his fault." Sam voiced briskly glancing at Danny for a split second. "It doesn't matter. All that matters right now is that you're safe!!" Her mom said. The Fentons then spoke up. Mrs. Fenton was first. "Pamela, I was wondering could Sam stay over at our house for the night? I was planning to ask Tucker's parents as well. I know you want her home after all this ordeal but I figure that having them all together would be great. Of course she would stay with Jazz in her room." Sam really didn't mind the answer now that she knew her were just genuinely happy to have her back and not upset.

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