Life and Meetings

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I was shutting down my Uncle's Dojo blasting music through the air while cleaning the mats. In all honesty I love my Uncle, but I am a level 5 Tai Chi master and know Dim Mak. Why must I have to clean! Cooking? Sure! But cleaning? Eww... I mean I know that I don't always act like a Tai Chi master. Ok. I never do. But life is so short, I have a responsibility to treasure each day! Meaning I must laugh at everything, play as many games and pranks as I can, and act crazy. It's not my fault for being this way. It's just my personality. Being serious makes me sad and down in the dumps.

I plopped myself down on the mat I was cleaning and rolled onto my back. Closing my eyes let the beat of the music pump through my veins. I was really starting to get into it when a crash came from outside.

I jumped up and grabbed the bucket that was next to me (why? It was the first thing I saw, that's why). Oh please don't let it be a ghost. I begged as I tip toed to the window leading to where the noise came from. Carefully opening up the window, I found that more noises were coming from outside. Poking my head out, I found multiple men outside fighting.

Curious, I leaned forward to get a better look at the men. Five of them looked like weird wannabe gangsters and one looked like a.... a... turtle? Man, that's a rad costume! I wonder how long it took him to make? I leaned further out the window trying to get a good look at the turtle man when-


The bucket I had taken with me fell out the window and landed right in between the wannabes and the turtle. They all stopped fighting and looked up at me. My eyes widened as I realized what I just did.

"Ahhhh.... Sorry about that," I stammered. "It slipped. I'll just be going now. So yeah... Bye!" Slamming the window shut, I hurriedly locked all the doors and hid behind the pile of mats I had just cleaned. Well, at least it wasn't a ghost...


Carrying my little girl, I walked towards the store to buy some more baby wipes since I was almost out. My baby girl just turned two months old and was fast asleep in my arms. It has been hard raising her alone and working two jobs, but I was happy that I got to be with her tonight. Adjusting her so that she rested on my shoulder, I went through my purse to find my phone. I needed to call my babysitter to make sure she was coming in tomorrow.

As I riffled through my purse I forgot to look where I was going and was suddenly yanked into an alley. By instinct, I let go of my purse completely and rapped my arms around my baby girl. The person who yanked me let me go, causing me to fall to the ground. I curled myself around my baby, protecting her from the impact.

"Well, hello sweetheart." A sickly sweet voice cooed at me. Keeping my little girl hidden from view, I turned and glared at the man.

"Who are you? And what to you want?"

The man smiled, "Well I was just going for you purse, but now that I see how pretty you are, I may want more." I shivered at his words and tried to move away from him.

"Go away. You can have the purse, just let me go." The man narrowed his eyes at me and carefully looked me over. Then it seemed like something caught his interest.

"What is that?" He asked. I froze at his words, knowing he had seen me hiding my baby girl from him. "What is that you are hiding?" I tried to get up and run but the many grabbed me a ripped my baby from my hands. "What the...? A baby?" The man held my baby girl up with one hand while keeping me trapped in his other.

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