Step 6: Confessions and Meetings

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This one is long! just to make up for the last one!


I had waited a whole week to see Leonardo and now he just texted me saying that he couldn't make it. A Whole Week! I growled and took another bit out of my ice-cream. Stupid turtles and their stupid 'I'm-too-busy' stuff. I pouted and curled up in my blankets.

Minutes passed and I couldn't get Leonardo out of my head. Tonight I had planned to tell Leonardo how I felt about him because, well let's face it, it would take him a life time and a half to admit any feelings if he even had any.

I sighed and looked at my phone. Maybe if I kept texting him he would come over... I smiled and grabbed my phone. After sending him ninety-two texts of his name he finally texted back.


'I need u 2 come ov'r!'

'I already told you, I cannot come over tonight. I am sorry but I have work to do.'

I frowned and did the one thing I knew was sure to let me talk to him. I. Called. Him.

The phone rang two times before being picked up. "I already told you no."

I pouted at his words. "But Leonardo I need to talk to you! It's urgent!"

Leonardo sighed, "Look I'm on a mission ok? I don't have time for this. If it really is urgent then you need to tell me now. Quickly."

I pursed my lips, feeling the rare emotion of anxiety fill me. "I-i'm... well..."

"Look if you don't have anything to say I need to go."

"No Wait!" I called before he could hang up. "I wanted to talk to you because lately I-I've been... thinking about you."

"You've been... thinking about me?" He repeated, obviously not getting what I was meaning.

"Yes! And normally I don't think about people often because, you know, my mind always jumps from thought to thought-"

"And?" He interrupted prompting me to get to the point so he could focus on his mission.

"And... I really like you Leonardo. Like really really like you." I said. "I know you said you would never be in a relationship because you needed to take care of your family, and I'm ok with that!, but I just wanted you to know how I felt."

The line was quiet for a long time until I heard him sigh. "I... I'll call you back later." And with that the line went dead.

Staring at my phone I sniffed and curled myself back up in my blankets. Grabbing my ice-cream I huddled down and put another spoonful in my mouth.

Did I say it wrong? I thought. Maybe I shouldn't have told him...

I was so lost in my thoughts I jumped when my phone 'beeped' signifying I had gotten a message. I looked over and saw the words: 'I have been thinking about you too.' I grinned and squealed in happiness.

Well it may not mean we're dating but at least we know our feelings now! I smiled and danced around the room until another 'beep' came from my phone. Looking over I saw it was from Leonardo so I grabbed it but the words on it confused me. It said: 'Whos this?'

I texted back knowing that Leonardo would never say 'whos'.

'Who r u?' I asked.

'I askd ya first'

I frowned. 'Why do u want 2 know?'

'Cause Leos been actn weird and I know its cause of u.'

I smiled at the thought of Leonardo acting different because of me. 'Really? Like how weird? Is it like that cute weird that happens when he watches SpaceHeros?'

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