Step 8: Official Relationship Status

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It had been a week since Leonardo told me he had to think about us, and he hasn't contacted me since. A WEEK! I am going insane! He isn't even responding to my text messages! AHHHHHHHH!

Ok. Calm down me. He did say he needed time to think and knowing Leonardo that could mean he needs two weeks to meditate. I sigh and flop onto my couch. "Leonardo! Hurry up."

I don't really know what happened then. I think I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes Leonardo was staring down at me. "Leonardo!" Squealing I jump up and hugged him. "When did you get here?"

He shrugged and hugged me back, "Couple of minutes ago." Pulling back and started to rub his neck in a nervous manner. "Anyways I came to talk about... well... you know."

I nodded and sat back. "And did you make up your mind?" I asked cautiously, his nervousness rubbing off on me.

Leonardo nodded. "Yeah, I think that I would like to take the next step."

Confused I cut him off. "You 'think'," I asked. "What does that mean?"

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It means I want to. I'm still a bit hesitant about it but I know now what the next step is."

I raised a brow at him. "And what's the next step, Leonardo?"

"I believe it would be the reason that I am here."

Startled, I turned around to face the new voice in the room. There in front of me stood a large humanized rat dressed in a robe and carrying a cane. "Ah... Hi?"

The rat man chuckled at me and walked over to Leonardo and I. "Hello, young one," he greeted me. "My name is Master Splinter. It is a pleasure to meet the women that brings my son so much joy and confusion."

I smiled and turned to Leonardo. "Aww! Is this your father? Are you going to ask permission?!" I squealed at his now blushing face and pulled him into a hug. "You're so adorable!"

Master Splinter's booming laugh filled the room as he watched Leonardo and I. This caused me to finally let Leonardo go and sit back in my place again, motioning for my soon to be boyfriend to ask his father's permission.

Leonardo turned to his father and bowed respectfully in front of him. "Master Splinter, I first want to apologize for keeping my relationship with this human a secret from you. I know I should have told you when I first met her and all the times I have gone out to be with her since then. I found myself so wrapped up in her kindness and joy of life that I thought if I told you, you would be disappointed in me. Now I see that I was wrong in my thinking and I also realize that I wish to pursue a relationship with her. Father, I ask for your permission to court this women."

My eyes widened at his speech. He obviously respected his father enough to think this though to the last detail. Looking at his father I saw a small smile make its way on the old rats face. "My son," He said. "I am proud that you have told me the truth and I grant you your permission just as I did your brothers. I hope that you both will be very happy." I smiled widely as he turned to me. "And as for you young lady. You are welcome to our home anytime you wish and please take care of my son"

"Don't worry sir," I said saluting him. "I promise to feed him and snuggle him every day!"

Master Splinter chuckled and patted my head. "Very well, good luck to you both." And with that he left. Disappeared like Leo had the first time I met him.

I giggled and turned to Leonardo, flinging myself at him. "You're so CUTE! I wanna die!"


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