Complications (Part 1)

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                                                   (Inspired by: #sanata101)

I was so happy that Leonardo and I had admitted that we felt strongly about each other. Today I decided that I should make a special meal to celebrate my achievement. I wanted to make an Italian calzone with red wine dressing. The only bad thing was I had no red wine.

Huffing, I grabbed my shoes and walked out of the building. Ok all I need is a bottle of red wine to finish the dressing and then I'm good to go! I smiled and started to skip down the sidewalk.

I was about half way to the store when I bumped into someone.

"Oh geez! Sorry about that! I wasn't look... Oh... It's you." I front of me stood an Ex that I had dumped about five years ago due to his unnatural obsession with me.

He smiled and hugged me. "Hey, how are you doing?"

I politely smiled and pulled him off me. "Fine." Grinning he reached out for me again but I took a step back. "Look, it was nice seeing you but I really have to go. I'm in a really big hurry."

His grin turned into a frown and he looked away from me sadly. "Oh, ok. I see." I tried to smile at him as I scooted past him. "Wait!" he cried.

I stopped and looked at him. "Yes?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver triangle. "Here. I found it on the ground in an alleyway and it reminded me of you."

Trying not to look at him weirdly I reached forward and took the triangle. "Ah... Thanks. It was good seeing you and... um... thanks for the... the thing."

He smiled and nodded. "No problem!"

With that I quickly turned and walked away from him. Well he hasn't change a bit. I thought as I shoved the triangle thing in my purse.

Once I got to the store I grabbed the red wine that I needed, payed, and left. I sighed as I walked home. Getting to the halfway point to my house I decided to take the alleyways home and text Leonardo.

'Evening Captain! How r u this fine day?'

'I am well, Thank You.' He replayed in his perfect way.

I giggled and wrote back. 'You should come ov'r tonight. I'm making calzones.'

'That sounds wonderful. What time would you like me to come over?'

'Arou-' Suddenly I tripped. My phone flew from my hands, as did my purse and the red wine. Before I could catch myself the triangle thing that I was given fell from my purse and a bright pink light filled my vision before I hit the ground.

I groaned as my head hit the ground. "Ow... that hurt..." I rubbed my head and sat up. My head was ringing. At least I thought it was my head but the more I concentrated on it the louder it got.

I frowned and looked up. I was in a room filled with robots with guns. The ringing, I found out, was an alarm. I gasped and turned to run only to find more robots behind me.

"Um..." I muttered. "Hey Guys! Sorry about this. I really don't know what happened. Maybe you could help me? You see a minute ago I was in an alleyway."

The robots stared at me before one stepped forward. "The one known as the intruder will come with the one known as Krangg to the place that is known as the prison."


Placing my baby girl in her crib, I quietly walked out of my room and shut the door. It was three in the morning and she had woken up screaming. It took me an hour to get her to bed and I wasn't about to take any chances of waking her again.

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