Step 2: Having Dinner Together

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I stared at my phone which was lying on the table across from me. It had been a week since I had seen Leonardo. We've texted a few times but he frequently stops talking to me because he says that I keep him from meditating. Of course this just causes me to text him even more and blow up his phone but hey, who can blame me.

I smiled as I picked up my phone again. 'Leeeooooonarrrrrrrdoooooo!' I texted.

Almost instantly I got a reply. 'Yes?'

I rolled my eyes at his perfect grammar. 'u should come over t'night and have diner w/ me.'

There was a long moment of pause before he answered me back. 'May I ask why?'

I smirked knowing I had his attention. I sent him a quick: 'cause I wanna' to get my point across to him. Luckily he took the bait because a second later he agreed but said it would have to be around 8. I agreed, of course, and started to get ready.

I ran to the kitchen in the dojo and started up the oven. "What to make? What to make?" I chanted as I walked over to the stereo system. "What to... AH-HA!" I grabbed a CD of Celtic Woman and put it in the stereo.

Making my way bake over to the kitchen I thought about what Leonardo would like. I already know he likes pizza but I want to make this just a bit nicer.... I thought for a long while before an Idea hit me. Pizza Baozi! I had made the steamed baozi in the past so I knew I had just enough time to make it. I quickly got the ingredients out of my refrigerator and got started on the three hour process.

----Three hrs. later---

I just checked the last of the baozi and they were almost done. I have to say if I wasn't waiting for someone I would have already eaten all of them. Walking/danced around the kitchen I waited for the food to get done but a knock on the window interrupted my daydreaming.

I turned to the window and ran over to it. "Leonardo!" I shouted happily as I pulled him into the dojo. "You made it!"

He smiled softly at me. "Well I did say I would. Now then, wha-" he cut himself off by sniffing the air. "What is that?"

The smile on my face grew and I grabbed his arm. "That's our food! Now hurry up. I'm hungry!" I said pulling him to the kitchen.

I shoved him into one of the chairs and went to get the food. I grinned as I pulled out the Baozi from the steamer. Perfect!!!!!!

Placing them neatly on a plate I turned back to Leonardo and sat down, placing the food in the middle of us. Suddenly feeling bashful I looked to Leonardo to see if he approved. His eyes were wide as he stared at the food.

He looked at me. "They smell amazing! What are they?"

My smile reappeared. "They're Pizza Boazi. or Pizza steamed dumplings. I thought you would like it since you said your favorite food was pizza like me!"

Smiling he gestured towards the food. "May I?"

I nodded. "Go ahead." He reached forward and took one of the boazi. I watched carefully as he bit into it silently praying that I didn't forget an ingredient or cook it wrong. Slowly a smile came to his face that made me relax.

"You like it?" I asked hopefully. He nodded vigorously his eyes shining like a child's. Quickly he took another bun and bit into it.

"These are amazing!" he said between chews. I laughed at his sudden childlike behavior. Hearing my laughter seemed to make Leonardo realize what he was doing and he flushed red. Clearing his throat he stood up. "I should get going."

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