Chapter 8 - The Australian and the Alpha

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I wasn't alone for long with my drawing.

"G'day." The corny word, complete with the accent that made Americans wet themselves, came from the doorway. I glanced up to see Reece standing there, leaning against the door frame, watching what I was doing.

"Um, G'day." It was, of course, not how Australians usually addressed each other no matter what the movies said. It only amused me more that he'd say it and it relaxed me.

"Looks good." Reece came to stand beside me, glancing over my shoulder, taking in what I'd been sketching. "You're an artist?"

"Not really. I just enjoy it." I glanced back at him as he took it in. Reece had the 'real' accent so he'd have had to have come from north somewhere, in the hotter areas, somewhere more country than I was raised in. "How are you finding the snow?"

"Eh, it's not that special. I don't get what people like about it." Reece tugged the bed across the room as if it was as light as a chair and sat on it. "Don't let me distract you from that, it's looking good. I thought you might like a snack." Reece held out a plate. On it was toast with something black and golden on it. Vegemite with lots of butter. When my face lit up he grinned, sticking it on the table, and grabbing a slice for himself. "I can relax here while you draw if you want to finish it."

That wasn't exactly easy, particularly as a third person was now in the picture. I couldn't see him but I could smell him. Nick was in the hallway outside listening. When I didn't draw and turned my head towards the door slightly, Reece turned his attention there as well.

"Oh, hey Nick. You coming in too?"

Nick moved forward as he was addressed, standing in the doorway. "Yeah." He glanced back though, presumably towards the children's room where he was supposed to be, the sound of happy playing and voices drifting out of a partially closed door. Then he shrugged and went to sit down on the bed between us and his eyes moving to me. "I'll stay for a while."

"You don't have to stay in my room. I'm sure you're supposed to be with the twins."

"I'll keep an ear on them." Nick twisted towards Reece, blocking off any other attempt at my suggestions of how the hell he could get out of my room. "How you doing?"

"Fantastic. All ready for the Christmas feast." Reece leaned back, pushing the plate beside me, and patted his stomach. “Lost a bit of weight for this one.”

"Anne's helping cook it this year. She's a good cook." Nick's attention turned back to me then. He was grinning but there it was again, that intensity, and it reminded me of earlier in the kitchen. The memory of what I'd done with him after I'd cooked. When my eyes connected with his, he added, tongue darting over his lips, "I'll clean up again."

"You? Clean?" Reece laughed and elbowed Nick, nearly knocking him off the bed, Reece shook his head. "Must be a good cook if you can get Nick to clean. When I was living with him he'd always vanish around that time into a shower, put on rubber gloves to dump the china in the rubbish or be out the door for a manicure."

"That'd be right." I muttered. Nick was gorgeous but I doubted it was purely natural good looks. He was always so well... maintained.

"I don't get manicures. Massages, however, I'm not too proud to pass up." Nick was shoving back at Reece now, playful, the two of them half wrestling as if they were trying to shove each other off the side of the bed.

"So where are you from, Anne?" Reece called, as he struggled with the older werewolf, his face red and covered in a big grin. "The desert as well? Endless heat, crocodiles, and kangaroos for a pet? Bet you miss that outback."

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