Chapter Two
Today I'm forced to help out at the Mystic Falls yearly Carnival. Elena thought since Caroline was still resting that we owe it to her as friends to make this the best Carnival Mystic Falls has ever seen. It has always been important to Caroline so I don't want to let her down.
But that's clearly not possible with Elena being furious towards Damon, Jeremy almost dying, and being undead. Also, Bonnie hanging around our necks about how Damon and Stefan are monsters. I've had enough of vampires for a whole lifetime.
Last night after finding the ring on Jeremy's finger I was thinking about whether or not Damon had known about the ring that protected humans from supernatural deaths. Jeremy had been given the ring by Alaric and hasn't taken it off at all. "Hey I've been looking everywhere for you" Elena came toward me smiling, holding a giant stuffed teddy bear.
"What is that for?" I touched the fur smiling "So soft" Elena laughed and put the bear down on one of the picnic tables.
"It's a prize for the ring toss booth" Elena pointed to one of the colorful booths. "Have you seen Stefan?"
I shook my head, I didn't want to think about the Salvatore brothers for another minute. "nope I haven't seen him all day and I think it's better that way because I'm just about done with all this vampire stuff" Elena smiles sadly. "I'm gonna go visit Caroline before it gets anymore dark," I say watching the sunset.
I walk to Caroline's room and open the door to find an empty room. No Caroline. The bed was made with fresh sheets. I frowned and walked over to the front desk. "Hi, I'm looking for my friend Caroline Forbes," I say and the women behind the desk looked as if in a daze. "My friend's room is empty," I say and she still doesn't respond. I notice a bandage on the women's neck and I furrow my brows from confusion. "What happened to your neck?" I asked and the women finally answers.
"My husband likes to get a little kinky" I cringed. Ew ok did not need to know that.
I sighed maybe they let her out early and the only place Caroline would be right now is the Carnival. Once I arrived I see Jeremy at one of the food stands. "Hey Jer" He turned around and hugged me from the side.
"Hey sis" he gave the guy the money and took his popcorn bag. "How's Caroline?" He asked passing me the bag of popcorn.
"I wouldn't know because she checked out without telling anyone" Jeremy didn't look very concerned as he ate the popcorn.
"It's Caroline she probably left the hospital to come here," he said shrugging "I'm sure you'll find her" I nodded also wishing that nothing was wrong, but my heart said the opposite.
"Ahh Jeremy I'm so glad you're alive" I frowned turning to see Damon smirking at both of us. He's completely lost his mind. Showing his face to me is a big mistake.
Jeremy pushed me behind him, away from Damon. "I thought you were a little too old to be at a high school Carnival" I could hear the hatred pouring out of Jeremy's lips.
"Yup 150 years too old," Damon said completely ignoring my presence.
Jeremy laughed "You're really good at cracking jokes when I could just tell everyone in this town about you and your brother" My eyes went wide.
"Jeremy!" I heard Damon scoff and suddenly Jeremy wasn't at my side anymore but was in Damon's hand. I gasped watching Damon strangle Jeremy away from the crowd. I gasp and run over and take a grip on Damon's arm. "Damon let him go!" I whispered, trying not to cause attention.
"Don't you ever threaten me again, you hear me little Gilbert?" Damon growled.
"You can't do anything when I have this!" Jeremy puts his hand in the air showing his ring that saved his life the other night.

The Gilbert Sister // The Vampire diaries [2]
Fanfiction• 2nd book of The Gilbert Sister series • (S2) Torn between whats right and wrong Damons choices might just get some he loves killed. Determined to protect Elena, Stefan will do anything even give into his lust for human blood. Nina will put her s...