• The Return •

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Chapter One

After the fire, Stefan took me and Elena home. Damon disappeared out of the blue without a word but, we all knew he was probably back at the boarding house. "Bye Stefan and thanks," I said closing his car door Elena followed me.

She was silent the whole ride and I looked at my hands which were covered in ash from the fire. We were both tired and could use a warm bath right about now. "I'm gonna go check if Jeremy's here could you turn off the lights downstairs. I nodded and watched her go up the stairs before making my way to the kitchen.

"help" I looked to my left at the living room where I heard groans.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Ni- ah" I furrowed my brows and made my way to the kitchen where the noise came from. I looked behind the counter and my eyes went wide as I started to scream "Oh-Oh my god!" I ran next to Uncle John who laid on the ground covered in blood. John was shaking on the floor holding his hand. I grabbed a towel and pressed it against his hand and he screamed out. "Elena!" I screamed tears falling on my hands that pressed hard against Uncle John trying to stop all the blood flow.

"What? what is it?" Elena came down the stairs quickly.

"Elena!" I heard a cry from behind me. "Elena call the ambulance!" she nodded and ran to the phone. "It's ok Uncle John I got you" I sniffled and watched a shaking Elena call for help.

Moments later the police and the ambulance show up. I stayed outside and saw Stefan jogging up the stairs of the porch. "Stefan!" I felt safer now that I saw a recognizable face. He rushed over to me and pulled me into his arms. I relaxed into his arms and hugged him back letting go of the little tears I had left.

"Are you ok?" he searched my face with a worried look.

"Yea I'm fine- what got me was seeing John like that" I sniffled and he nodded taking my hand and going inside the house.

"Stefan" Elena stood at the top of the stairs.

"Elena- its Caroline" Stefan started and Elena came down the stairs to us.

"What about Caroline?"

Elena stayed home with Jeremy who came late, he had a lot of questions. Stefan gave me a ride to the hospital. I ran to the front desk "Um- I- I'm looking for Caroline- Caroline Forbes" I said shaking.

"Room 301" I ran away with a thank you.

I saw dark skin and dark hair walking down the hall and instantly recognized her. "Bonnie!" Bonnie turned around and looked at me her hair a mess and her eyes were red. I ran over to her "How's Caroline?"

"She's weak," Bonnie said sadly. "They don't know if she's gonna make it"

My eyes widened "What?" I froze as I felt Bonnie envelop me into a hug. "Can't you do anything? Like a spell?" I asked frantically

"No, she can't." I heard Damon's voice from beside me and I turned to see him watching me. "She doesn't know how to," he says with a smirk on his face.

"Damon-" I haven't seen him for a while, I missed him. But, he had no right to have an attitude at this time.

"No, its true Nina" Bonnie looked at me sadly. "I can't do anything to help" Bonnie looked at Damon angrily "But, I can still kick your ass," She said.

"Please don't start," I say and look at Damon.

"Ok," Damon said interrupting me before I could say anything else.

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