• The Descent •

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Chapter Twelve

Elena took me with her to see Stefan but I think they need a little time to themselves so of course I go invade their collections of very old and expensive alcohol. I'm not usually the drinker but with all that is going on I need it."Hmm, vodka, Italy 1837" I put some in one of Damon's fancy glasses and bottoms up.

"What are you doing here?" I gasp and see Damon with his arms crossed. He looks like he's in a bad mood. Nice.

"I'm not here for you," I said grumbling under my breath. It made me smile when I knew he could hear exactly what I said.

"But you're invading my privacy," he said coming closer to me. I picked up the vodka and poured more but before I could taste it Damon grabbed it from my hand.

"You don't wanna get drunk going to school do you little Gilbert" I looked at Damon seductively. Putting my hands on his chest, his eyes pierced mine. I would have been frightened but this was Damon. The guy who saved my life thousands of times. I brought my lips to his cheek and kissed it softly. I could feel the harsh bristle of is facial hair, he hasn't shaved for a while, and he looks exhausted.

"What are you doing Nina?" His voice was quiet. He was completely under my spell.

Last but not least I placed a soft kiss at the edge of his jawline and I quickly grabbed the whole glass of vodka and ran laughing. "Got you!" When I reached the next room I saw something lying on the ground.

"Wait, Nina" Damon put his hand on my waist. I screamed and the glass dropped from my hand exploding into a million shards as it hit the ground. Damon spun my body around and I hit my face to his chest. "I told you to stop, you weren't supposed to see that," he said with a tight hold of my waist.

"She's dead" my face full of tears the picture of Rose's headless disfigured body stuck in my mind. "God, what happened?" I looked up to Damon's sad face and put my hand to his cheek. He's grieving. "I'm sorry you don't have to-" but he shook his head.

"It was my fault, I made a wolf mad"

"A wolf? Damon, what wolf?" I said backing away from him.

"She's come looking for Mason Lockwood, I got her pissed and she had to be a bitch and attack my house" I put my hand to my mouth.

"What are we going to do?" I asked. Of course, Damon would be the only vampire to get a werewolf mad. "You and Stefan have to hide, you can't stay here," I said.

"Look it's gloomy as hell in here so I'm gonna go" He gave me the Damon look. The look where he tries to hold his feelings back because he does care. But, he's pissed and I know he won't stop until the she-wolf is dead.

I let him go because I knew he wasn't in the state to talk about his feelings. I decided to stay when Elena left to help out with an activity that's going on at school. I told her about Elijah's promise and she was upset about how I made a deal without her but was also happy that I made a good one.

I walked up the stairs and around the whole house. Besides the cellar, ugh that place creeps me the hell out.

My head snapped towards the dining room where I hear glass breaking. As soon as I heard it, I ran to it. Oh, what a white girl in a horror movie move. Don't judge me.

There in the room was a woman. She looked angry and was covered in cuts from the glass she must have broken.

Was she a vampire? I slowly made my out from behind the wall. "Who are you?" I asked with confidence. She turned around and arched a brow as she inspected me. "I just asked you a question, who are you?" Whoever she was, it was obvious she wasn't allowed to be here.

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