Chapter Seven
After a night of rest at the Salvatore house and some of Damon's blood, I came to. I found out I had been bitten by many snakes that had caused me to become dizzy but luckily the venom in the mouth of the snakes did not kill me.
I ended up running home after hearing that Jena was stabbed. Well, she was stabbed by her self. Stefan told me it was Katherine's compulsion.
I stayed with aunt Jenna until it was time to get ready for the masquerade ball. I curled my hair into perfect ringlets and grabbed my dress that was laid on my bed. I hadn't seen anyone all day today besides Elena and aunt Jenna. I told Elena about what happened and she was beyond worried. "I'm leaving!" I yelled out. Suddenly Alaric ran over to the door. He looked worried like crazy worried.
"Wait. What?" He said nervously.
"I'm leaving," I said slowly.
"Where?" He asked.
I looked down at my dress and said to him with the biggest duh tone ever "The masquerade ball" his eyes widened.
"You can't," he said quickly.
"Actually I can and I will" I rolled my eyes and walked out the door leaving him a stuttering mess. What up with him?
As I arrived at the party thanks to my date. I probably asked Matt so much to be my date he got brainwashed into bringing me. As we arrived Matt got separated from me and I roamed the mansion alone. No one recognized me and I don't doubt that. I never wear makeup and tonight my face was caked. I wore a dress that Caroline just so happened to see and bought for me.
I'm sad I don't have my sister with me because she's usually the one who likes party's like these. Ever since she and Stefan broke up she's been down. I watched people dance to slow music. I hummed the tune and my eyes caught a familiar depressing aura. But, he was with Elena?
No, it was Katherine. I tightened my fist and relaxed quickly. Her hair was just like Elena's. Pin straight and her smile. She was exactly like Elena.
I straightened up and walked towards the two. "Hey Elena I was looking for you," I said smiling. Katherine looked me up and down smiling. Her smile sent shivers through my spine. "One minute I was getting drinks and the next you're not there"
Stefan's eyes are wide with worry. "Oh Nina sorry I saw Stefan and he asked me to dance" I smiled. She bought it.
"That's ok. Oh, Stefan, have you seen Damon?" Stefan was speechless. "Stefan what's wrong you look like you saw a ghost?" I asked innocently.
"Eh you know Stefan always speechless," Katherine said smiling.
"So are you guys back together?" I asked and Katherine shook her head.
"It's just a dance Nina. How about you go find Damon?" Katherine looked like she was about to explode. But, she knows if she even touched me Stefan would kill her right then and there not caring if anyone saw or not.
I walked away letting go of a big breath I didn't know I was holding. I walked around the house searching for anyone I could recognize but no one. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and stepped back seeing Katherine standing before me with a smirk. "Judging by the little step back you just did you know I'm not Elena" I nodded keeping my hands behind my back.
"You know Nina, I like you, you are kinda pretty and kinda smarter and everyone else here" I scoffed, that made me so upset. I don't care what you think of me just stay away from the people I love.
"And I kinda hate you, Katherine, for trying to kill everyone I care about," I said making her smirk.
"You know I'd hate to be enemies" she took a piece of my hair between her fingers and twirled it around.
"Katherine, what's your motive hm?" I asked getting angry "You've tried to kill many of my friends and family and you expect me to be your friend?" She frowned looking somewhat upset.
"Yes?" She said it like it was obvious.
"Go away and stop bothering me ok" I turned away from her and walked off. My curls bounced against my back as I hurried to find Caroline which was also missing.
I go up the stairs and see double doors wide open. I walk in and feel a heavy feeling on my chest. "Nina?" I jump in my spot and see Stefan walk towards me. He grabs my arms and shakes me "What are you doing here?" I wince feeling pain going up my arms.
"Stefan stop-"He looked worried and angry. "Please, you're hurting me" Stefan let go instantaneously. "What's wrong with you!" I said as he stepped back.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Stefan, what's going on?" He looked at me sadly.
"Yes Stefan, what is going on?" Katherine walked in smiling.
"You followed me?" I put my hands on my hips.
"Don't flatter your self honey" she looked to Stefan smiling sinisterly.
"So Stefan where is the moonstone?" She asked becoming angry.
"Right here you psycho bitch" Damon came out of a closet with an arrow and shoots it quickly into Katherine's stomach.
"Damon?" He walked over to me and pushed me behind him.
"What are you doing here little Gilbert?" I rolled my eyes and stood behind his protective body. I could hear Katherine groan in pain as Damon shot another arrow into her. Suddenly he wasn't near me but on top of Katherine with a steak.
"Stop!" We all turned to see Jeremy trying to catch his breath. "Everything you do to her happens to Elena!" I gasped and turned to see equally worried faces on the brothers.
"Nina go," Stefan said knowing he wanted me to go to Elena I ran out the room with Jeremy in front.
Everything was over. Katherine is gone, Elena's ok. Me? I'm waiting at the party for a ride. Yes everyone forgot about me and yes my phone is dead. "Dude this is like the hundredth time Elena has forgotten me at a party"
Ok, I have finally finished this chapter after writing it over many many times. I know it still sucks so I'm gonna hit you guys with another chapter!
I hope you guys enjoyed!
Dont forget to

The Gilbert Sister // The Vampire diaries [2]
Fanfiction• 2nd book of The Gilbert Sister series • (S2) Torn between whats right and wrong Damons choices might just get some he loves killed. Determined to protect Elena, Stefan will do anything even give into his lust for human blood. Nina will put her s...