Chapter Sixteen
Ever since I 'killed' Elijah me and Elena have been living in the Salvatore boarding house. I slept in a guest room while Elena slept with Stefan. I somehow felt safer here even when Elijah's corpse was just downstairs. I grabbed my bag and went down the stairs. I turn to see Damon drinking early in the morning on the couch. "Good morning Damon," I say putting my wavy hair in a ponytail. He looks at me and smiles lightly. Elena comes from behind me smiling.
"Good morning Elena," I say and she smiles buttoning her jacket. Damon suddenly jumps from the couch, speeds over, and slams Elena to the wall in a chokehold.
"What are you doing here?" Damon asks choking Elena with both hands.
I run to him and hit his arm yelling "Damon what are you doing let go of her!" He won't listen.
"What is your problem?!" Elena coughs grabbing at Damon's hands.
"Wearing her clothes? Like that's gonna work" he says squeezing her neck tighter. Elena gasps as she runs out of air.
"Stefan help!" I yell as I try and pull him off of Elena.
"You think I'm Katherine?" Elena asks. My eyes widened and he smirked at her. Is he an idiot?! He looks at her with a crazed expression.
"Why would you think that? Katherine's in a tomb" I stated angrily. Damon relaxes his hold his face gone blank. "Isn't she?" I watched as his eyes went wide as so did Elena's as she gains air back in her lungs.
Stefan steps into the room in a panic and looks at Elena and Damon close together "what the hell is going on here?"
"I don't know you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?"Elena asked both the brothers. Stefan sped upstairs and Damon let go of Elena so she could run after Stefan. As I and Damon followed her we found out she wasn't Elena but Katherine. "What is she doing here?" Elena asks as she paces around the room.
"When we killed Elijah it broke the compulsion" Stefan states.
"We freed the bitch from her cell" Damon states angrily.
"How is that possible?" Stefan is just as surprised as any of us are.
"He's an original he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve" Katherine speaks with pure venom in her voice.
"I don't want you here" Elena speaks as she looks at Katherine with an intense stare.
"Get her out of here" I speak to Damon.
"You need me, Nina. You all do." Katherine states.
"Like hell," Stefan says angrily.
"We all want the same thing, Klaus dead. Yet here you all are running around like chickens with their heads cut off" Katherine smirks at all of us.
"We don't need your help and I don't want it," Elena states angrily.
"And that's incredibly stupid of you. Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming, what he looks like?" Katherine is right, even though it pains me to admit, she knows everything about him. And we know nothing.
"If you know something say it or get out" Damon speaks up.
"Fine. Then I'll just go to the Grill and have some lunch maybe Aunt Jenna's free for a bite"
After a stress-free time at school, I and Elena went home to have girl time with Bonnie and Caroline. I knew Elena didn't want to even be in the same house as Katherine so this will help her. "Pizza or Chinese food?" Elena asked.
"I think you know that answer," Caroline said.
"Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere" Jonas is a warlock that worked for Elijah because his daughter was kidnapped by Klaus. Elijah promised Jonas that he would get back his daughter if he worked for him.
"I don't know what to believe," Caroline spoke.
"I think he's just as lost as we are. He's having a hard time trusting anyone." Bonnie says.
"So what are we watching? The Notebook." Caroline smiled trying to change the subject.
"Caroline, how many times have you seen that movie?" Bonnie asks.
"Ok, then how about we go to the Grill. I heard there is a band playing there tonight." We all skipped the pizza and drove straight to the Grill. To have an awesome night.
While the band was playing Elena got a call from Stefan and it looked urgent. She grabbed my hand and we made our way to the bathroom to find Caroline. "What's wrong guys?"
A second later Stefan arrived and barged into the girl's bathroom. "We have a problem," he states frantically. "Jonas is here and he's after Elena" Elena went rigged "I have a plan but, we need to get you guys out of here. Now" Stefan says.
I took Elena's arm and we ran out of the bathroom to find everyone cowering in fear as they witnessed glasses magically breaking the light bulbs exploding. Jonas catches me and Elena and he glares. "You killed him!" He yells. I gasp as a light bulb explodes from above or heads I run with Elena outside the Grill with everyone else.
Stefan came out the grill looking at the crowd worried he might not see us safe. Elena ran to him and hugged his neck and he hugged her waist. All I know is we won't be dying tonight. Stefan drove home with double the speed limit and the three of us ran inside the house which had Bonnie and Jeremy waiting for us. "Thank god." Bonnie sighs and runs over to us.
"Are you guys ok?" Jeremy asks.
"It's not over yet," I state.
"What do you mean?" Jeremy asks.
"Stefan will tell you everything." Elena states and we run up the stairs.
As I and Elena hide in her closet we hear the plan go down and Bonnie screams. That's our cue. We jump out of the closet and run to the bathroom to find Jona dead on the floor with Katherine's teeth marks on his neck.
The doorbell rang so I got out of bed and peaked my head out my door. Elena looked at me because she too had her head out. "I'll get it," she said and she went down the stairs. "Isobel?"
"Hello Elena it's nice to see you again" I heard her soft voice and Jenna's confused one.
I walked towards the stairs "Hello Nina"

The Gilbert Sister // The Vampire diaries [2]
Fanfiction• 2nd book of The Gilbert Sister series • (S2) Torn between whats right and wrong Damons choices might just get some he loves killed. Determined to protect Elena, Stefan will do anything even give into his lust for human blood. Nina will put her s...