Chapter Three
"Thanks for coming Ric" Alaric walked in his face full of concern, but I smiled kindly to ease him.
"You need something to drink? Coffee? Bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?" Damon not taking this situation seriously, like always. I sat on a one person couch hugging my legs while Elena and Stefan sat on a bigger couch together on my left.
"Elena mentioned you needed my help," he said ignoring Damon's offers. He sat across from Elena and Stefan.
"Yes. We were hoping you could help us out, we need more information on the Lockwood family" Stefan said talking directly to Alaric.
"How would I know anything about them?" Alaric asked confused.
"Well YOU wouldn't but your dead-" Damon sat smirking "Not so dead vampire wife might"
"Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together," Elena said giving him an idea.
"Yes, you might have something there," I said agreeing with her.
"You said that she had spent years researching this town," Stefan said, remembering what Ric had said before.
"Isobel's research here was rooted in folklore and legend," Ric said, clarifying. "Which before I thought was just fiction"
"Like that amazing vampire story," Damon said acting like a fangirl, which annoyed the crap out of Ric.
"Aside from vampires what else?" Elena asked.
"Lycanthrope" Damon and Stefan looked at each other confused.
"Wait. Like werewolves?" I asked.
"No way. Nope. Impossible" Damon said, shaking his head not believing it.
"Is it?" Stefan asked questioning Damon.
"I've been on his planet 160- some odd years," Damon said making my eyes grow wide. "I've never come across one. If werewolves exist where the hell are they?"
"Why do you suspect the Lockwoods?" Ric asked Damon.
"Because vervain didn't effect the mayor on founders day-"
"But the Gilbert device did?" I asked and Damon nodded toward me. "Then Tyler-"
"Yup it affected him causing that crash," Damon said.
"At the schools, Carnival Mason Lockwood exhibited inhuman behavior," Stefan said.
"We were hoping that Isobel's research, could help us find out what it is?" Elena said pulling out her puppy dog eyes. I smirked, knowing that Ric would stand no chance against them.
He cleared his throat and nodded "Her office is still there, but she's technically still missing" Damon smiled and clapped his hands together.
"Alright let's go"
I sat in the back of Ric's car while he and Damon took the front seats. They decided the best thing would be for Elena and Stefan to stay home. It was the safest place for her since Katherine is still out there.
It was quiet and then ten minutes into the ride Damon looked back at me. "You know this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly," he said with a serious tone.
Ric scoffed "Damon I don't think she is pretending" and Damon glared at him.
"You killed Jeremy," I said looking out the window. I did not want to listen to him, especially at a time like this.
"Yes, but he came back to life," Damon said trying to seem innocent.
"Yes, thanks to a ring that you didn't know he was wearing," I said looking to him. His eyes met mine and I looked away. My cheeks felt warm and I was nauseous.

The Gilbert Sister // The Vampire diaries [2]
Fanfiction• 2nd book of The Gilbert Sister series • (S2) Torn between whats right and wrong Damons choices might just get some he loves killed. Determined to protect Elena, Stefan will do anything even give into his lust for human blood. Nina will put her s...