• The Last Dance •

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Chapter eighteen

While Elena signed the new papers to her house I went up the stairs to get our school bags. Well once the Salvatore house now the Gilbert house. I smiled to myself as I felt safe and secure it this old home. The walls have seen and heard many things throughout the long lives of the Salvatore brothers. Many secrets are held between these walls. Dangerous secrets that if we're to get out we all would be in danger. "Nina we are gonna be late!" I heard Elena's voice which snapped me out of my daydream.

"Where are you three going?" Stefan asked.

"School. We are gonna be late" Elena answered.

"Huh?" He walked towards us.

"No no no," Damon said shaking his head " we didn't create a safe house for you to leave it"

"Yea guys Klaus is out there" Stefan stated.

"Yes but where?" I asked. "No one knows" Stefan looked more worried than angry. But, Damon just looked annoyed.

"Look we really appreciate everything you guys are doing and I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here. But, I'm not gonna be a prisoner" Elena spoke the truth.

"Your way Elena," Damon said after a long pause of stares and second guesses.

"Look I'm ready," Bonnie said smiling "if he shows his face I can take him"

"The way I see it is next to Bonnie is the safest place I can be" Elena wrapped her arm around Bonnie's and they walked out.

Stefan scoffed and I watched them leave. "I'm only trying to protect her" he speaks to me.

I nod understanding how much he cares for my sister "I know you are but what I think Elena needs right now is to be normal" I say. "Come on we got school," I said and walked to the door with Stefan coming behind me.

It was the last class of the day and Jeremy wasn't there. He was never in class anymore. Whenever I saw him he was with... Bonnie? I saw them talking in the hall before. They were talking very quietly and acted like they were trying to hide something. What are they hiding?

"Miss Gilbert?" I looked up from my textbook to see my chemistry teacher hovering over me.

"Yes?" She had a dazed look. Like she was confused about what she was going to do next.

"There is someone who wants to ask you to the dance" Why would my teacher know that?

"Um ok, who?" I asked and she smiled excitedly.

"This really cute guy named Klaus asked me to tell you that he is looking forward to meeting you" my eyes widened and my heartbeat increased in speed.

"Did you just say, Klaus?" I asked and My teacher nodded and walked away as if nothing had happened. I grabbed my stuff from my desk and ran out of the room for some help.

"Wait so you're saying that school isn't so much a safe place?" Damon sounded surprised but added a thick amount of sarcasm in his voice.

"Why would he want to meet you?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't know why don't you ask him Bonnie" I roll my eyes and walk away from the five of them.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked.

"I'm gonna get ready for the dance tonight," I said.

"So we are all set for tonight" Alaric spoke.

"Yes, I will kill him" Bonnie spoke squeezing Elena's arm for reassurance. "I can do it, Elena"

"I believe you" Elena smiled but her smile didn't reach her ears.

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