Chapter TenEver since getting kidnapped by accident I've been paranoid. It was the middle of the night and I started hearing sounds outside my room. "Hello?" I got up and suddenly a door slammed shut. I gasped and ran into the hall.
I screamed as my face collided with a sweaty hairy chest. The person that the chest belonged to screamed as well. "Alaric?" He smiled down at me. He tried to cover his nipples but didn't care about the rest of his backed body. Thank goodness he has boxers on.
"Nina," he says name nervously "hi... I'm so sorry" he said and ran into Jenna's room.
Jenna came upstairs behind him and smiled. "I'm so sorry"
I shook my head smiling "I'm happy as long as you are happy aunt Jenna" she nodded running to her room but before closing the door she says to me something that makes me brightens my mood.
"That's why you're my favorite" I nodded and headed back into my room.
In the morning Damon and Stefan visited with grumpy faces. I looked over to Damon but he made no eye contact with me.
"You visited her didn't you?" Elena said breaking the silence.
"Katherine?" I asked and she nodded. "What were you guys thinking?" I was angry, angrier than ever. The girl is going to manipulate them until they or she dies.
"According to Roses friend Slater there is a way to break the moonstone," Stefan says.
"No moonstone, no spell, and no sacrifice" Damon said speaking directly over to Elena.
"How do you guys even know that this is gonna work?" I asked.
"Because we have a crafty witch on our side," Damon said finally glancing over to me. He quickly looked away making me sigh.
"You guys already talked it out with Bonnie?" Elena said angrily.
"She agreed to do anything she can to help us," Stefan said trying to calm Elena's nerves.
"Katherine has the stone, she's not gonna just hand it over to you," Elena said and Damon smirked.
"I'll pry it out of her cold dead hands if I have to" Stefan glared at Damon with his choice of words.
"All Bonnie has to do is release the spell long enough for us to get the stone and get out of the tomb," Stefan said.
"Looks like you guys got it all planned," Elena said smiling.
"Yep. We're awesome" Damon said putting a thumbs up at us. I rolled my eyes as Elena got up angrily from her seat.
"Except for one thing" Everyone looked at Elena "I don't want you to do it" I know my sister and I knew exactly what she was going to say.
"We have no choice," Stefan said.
"What about Klaus," I asked.
"We'll find him after we destroy the stone," Damon said. Elena sighs and I can't believe she didn't object to it.
"Is that after he kills all of the people I care about?" I say at all of them. "Do you guys ever think about anyone but yourselves?" I asked angrily. "All of you dead everyone I love," I say sadly looking over to Damon. The look in his eyes told me he was guilty about something but what? What was he not telling me?
"Nina if we can de-spell the moonstone then we can save Elena," Stefan says putting his hand on mine that was in a fist resting on the kitchen counter.
"There is an "if" in that sentence" I left the room and whispered "I can't take any chance on losing any more family" I wiped the single tear at the corner of my chin and closed the front door.
Later after school, Elena wanted to see Stefan and talk with him. Now that she was calm she wanted to settle things. The front door to the Salvatore boarding house was open and we walked in. "Are they ho- ?"
"It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning-" I looked up to see a surprised Rose. She stood in front of us half naked smiling when her eyes landed on mine. My body froze. "Sorry I thought you were-" Elena looks at me and sighed disappointingly.
"Nina-" She spoke but my eyes became teary. How could he?
"No- no way," I said shaking my head. I ran out the door behind me Elena called out my name.
"Nina!" I heard Elena but I couldn't stop running. I've had enough with losing people I love. How could he? I thought he loved me. Was it just me? Was he just a schoolgirl crush?
It started to rain and I realized where I was. The bridge where my mom and dad died. I was looking over into the water where raindrops hit heavily. I could see my reflection in the water, the tree protecting it from the rain. I gasped as I saw Elijah's reflection. "What do you want from me!" I screamed throwing rocks at the reflection.
I felt strong arms around my body holding me protectively. I couldn't see I was half asleep. I guess I must have fallen asleep at the bridge. Someone was carrying me, but who? "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Damon? Is that you? My body felt so heavy. "Please forgive me, I can't imagine a world without you" I hear him through the now light rain. "I ruined everything" I felt his pain. I felt his sorrow. I wanted to hug him and kiss his soft lips. "I didn't know how to tell you," he says "I wanted to push you away. It's easier when you hate me" Why? Why do you want me to hate you? "You-" his voice cracked "You are part of the sacrifice, they need the blood of a-"
I'm sorry for a short chapter please forgive me! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far there are more things in store for the relationship between Damon and Nina.
Tell me who you would like Nina to be in more scenes with! Plz, don't forget to comment and like.

The Gilbert Sister // The Vampire diaries [2]
Fanfiction• 2nd book of The Gilbert Sister series • (S2) Torn between whats right and wrong Damons choices might just get some he loves killed. Determined to protect Elena, Stefan will do anything even give into his lust for human blood. Nina will put her s...