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Hello everyone! :D

So, it has come to my conclusion, after much much thinking, that I will be updating my stories on a vote basis. I honestly did not want it to come to this, because I think its wrong, but, I've seen other writers do it, and I have come to realize that its a pretty good way to do your updates. Plus, it lets me know that people are actually reading my story. So, here are the "rules":

I Wish must get up to 20 votes, before an update. From there, I'll figure it out.

My new story, since it is still in the making, will be updated as soon as I can finish typing the parts I have, then I'll figure that out.

ALSO. I'm doing another One Direction story. I know I've mentioned one in the past, but I began typing it over the weekends, and I love it. However, I stumbled across another 1D fanfic that has the girl doing the same job, being a make up artist. I'll probably just change it to wardrobe, or hair stylists. I don't want to offend anyone.

So yeah, there's the notice. Spread the word about I Wish. Please, it would mean so much to me! I appreciate everyone who has read I Wish, which means YOU! Thank you for reading my fanfic, and for giving me the extra support I need to better myself. :)


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