entry #2

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12:30am wednesday september 25th 1988

i awake to a rock hitting my window, surprisingly not breaking it. i arise and walk to my window and open it, seeing who was trying to get my attention at such a late hour.

"what the hell, j.d.?" i whisper yell down to him.

"i can't sleep. can i come in?"

"what? you'll have to climb in my window! my parents will kill you if they see you." i say.

i realized i was wearing really short shorts and a long t-shirt as he came in my window.

"it looks like you were having a fun time."

"what are you talking about?"

he points to his hair and i look in the mirror, seeing my hair was a mess.

"well, i was asleep."

"oh shit, i'm sorry. but i couldn't help myself when i saw you had croquet in your backyard."

i roll my eyes at him and put on my shoes, knowing he wanted to play a game. we sneak past my parents room and outside. i grab my color, blue and he grabs green.

"have you ever played?" i turn around to face him, but he was just staring at me, not paying attention.

"wait what?" he says.

"you didn't come here to play a game, did you?" i felt my face get red, but it was dark enough to cover my blush.

"no i did, but not your version."

"tell me your version." i bite my lip.


"that was the best game of strip croquet i've ever played." j.d. pants, covering himself with his jacket.

"was that the first time you have played it? 'cause you are really good at it." i look up to him, seeing him look back at me.

his lips slip into mine for a few quick seconds and i lay my head on his chest.

"hey madeline?"


"was that your first-?"

"yes it was."

he lays back down in the grass and closes his eyes, smiling widely.

"i'm freezing, do you want to go back inside?" i suggest, grabbing my clothes and putting them back on quickly.

"sure." he pulls his clothes back on and follows me inside quietly.

we make it back to my room, and i lay in my bed. j.d. pulls the covers up over me and lays next to me on top of the covers.

"tell me something about yourself." i whisper with my eyes still closed.

"i'm glad i have someone like you." he whispers back.


8:11am wednesday september 25th 1988

my alarm clock blares into my ears and i groan, hitting the off button. i hear a knock on my door and immediately remember what had happened the night before, and turn over. j.d. was already gone.

"madeline, it's time to get out of bed." my mother opens the door, opening my curtains.

"alright, i'm up, i'm up."

i go to the shower, realizing there was dirt in my hair from the night before. i get flashes of what had happened and get tingly just thinking about it. i get ready quickly realizing school started in less than an hour. i grab a tight blue dress and i notice j.d.'s black jacket was left on my floor. i pull it on over the dress and it looked great on me. i slip on my black converse with my high knee socks and run down the stairs.

my dad was reading the paper, drinking his cup of coffee. i grabbed an apple from the counter and take a bite out of it.

"honey, where did you get that jacket?" my father looks down from the paper, pushing his glasses back to his nose.

"umm, it's a friends."

"it looks like a boy's jacket."

"sorry dad, i have to go." i say, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.


i take another bite of the apple and begin walking down the street, seeing edna slow next to me with her car.

"do you need a ride?"

"yeah sure, thanks."

"no problem, girl." she smacks on her gum, pulling into the school parking lot.

she pulls into her parking space and gets out of the car, strutting into school with her high heeled boots.

"your dress is cute by the way." she says, turning around for a fast second.

i walk slowly into the school, waiting to see if j.d. was coming. i saw his bike was already in his normal parking lot. i walk to my locker, hanging my backpack up. i grab my pre-calculus text book, but get interrupted by a pair of hands placed over my eyes. 

"guess who?"

"hmm, i wonder."

"i see you stole my jacket." i could feel his breath on my neck.

"actually you left it on my floor last night." i whisper in his ear.

"oh my bad."

"here." i begin pulling it off but he stops me.

"no, no. it looks good on you." he pulls it back over my shoulders.

"thanks." i kiss his lips lightly and quickly pull myself away from him, noticing people were watching.

"what, you afraid someone will see?" he says, swooping me off my feet and catching me.

"j.d.! stop." i chuckle, hearing the bell ring.

"oh shit, we gotta go." he grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall.

i could not help but laugh because i had never felt this free before. i felt like i was flying as he pulled me through the school halls. but i knew my parents were going to have my ass when i got home, knowing that i had gotten a tardy.

"here's your stop, pre-calc." he bows and kisses my hand.

"see you at lunch?"

"of course."

he walks to his class, and i enter.

 "late? madeline? i never thought there was such thing."


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