j.d.'s pov- entry #1

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2:15pm friday october 4th 1988 

did madeline really think she could just walk away without any consequences? she is not ready for what is about to happen. i had asked maria to meet me during her open period. i had found pictures of her with patricia from many years ago, the girl that everyone hates to be seen with. i knew what she was going to ask me.

"are you trying to blackmail me?" 

"no, no. i just want you to do a favor for me. ever since shelley died, there has been a spot open. i would like you to fill that spot, take her spot for the sake of the team. could you do that for me?"

"of course, that doesn't seem too bad." 

"you'll need this." i hand her the scrunchie and i swear her jaw dropped to the ground. 

"what else do you want? i know that isn't it."

"do you know the band "big fun"? i want to get them here for prom, get a few hundred to sign this petition and they'll be here."

"that's all?"


"well, take this off my hands, i won't need it any longer." she tosses a paperback copy of moby dick, and walks away.


as soon as i get home from school, i go to my room and begin to read through the book maria had given me. as i read, i saw that some of the quotes and lines were highlighted and underlined. i didn't catch her as a reading type, but then i realized something. this would be a perfect way to write a suicide note, using quotes from her book, it was brilliant. but i realized i had to kill the one that had ruined me in the first place, madeline.

i head back to school for last period and see maria and madeline yelling at each other in the hall. maria then blows my cover.

"this stupid petition was j.d.'s idea in the first place." she gets up, seeing me.

"well, there is the devil himself."

madeline sees me and stops dead in her tracks. 

"j.d., i miss you. i'm sorry for what i said. i love you." is what i expected to here out of her pathetic mouth.

but this is really what i heard.

"what are you doing here?"

"i was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight, go see a movie, get a slushie? i knew you would be back, they always are." i lay my head in the crook of her neck, nuzzling my nose into her.

she moaned lightly but then walked away, turning around.

"j.d., i'm done with you. i can't be with you anymore, i'm sorry. i'm really sorry."

"you are full of shit, madeline. i gave you everything. i loved you, i loved you like no one has ever loved before. and you give me up for what? a couple of illegal things i may have done?"

"that is exactly why i'm leaving, i  would be scared of my future with you. i'm scared for your future. i can't see you like that. what ever happened to happy, loving j.d.?"

"i died inside when my mother was killed, my father taught me to kill growing up. if someone ever betrayed me, i would take care of it, especially for someone like you madeline. i love you! i need you to keep me sane!"

"i'm done with this bullshit, don't you dare do anything or i swear to god."

"you'll what? kill me?"

she rolls her eyes, walking furiously away from me.

"you'll regret this, madeline! you will."

someone runs out into the hall and begins screaming at me, i had no clue who this was.

"did you hear? patricia just tried to kill herself, she ran out in front of traffic with a note taped to her. too bad she survived, she's trying to fit in like all the other populars. no one even likes her."

"well isn't that just fantastic?"


A/N: i might start doing a few in his pov more because i'm going to end it a little differently than the movie. hope you enjoy!

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