chapter 8

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There was no waiting and cuddling that night. Ron had fallen into the trap and had sex with carl. The boy left right after and left Ron to hate himself and hurt even more. Now he had to take the medication longer than before.

After a LONG week of taking medication and carl being an absolute asswipe, ron is fine. He gets over his UTI quick and easy but he is soon dragged into another round of unpassionate and purely animalistic sex. He would much rather be sleeping than sleeping with Carl. The boy was always too rough, too hard on Ron's small body. Ron would have bruises the next day and he would be stuck limping at some points and yet.... he was always crawling back for more... so much more. He loved oral sex, it involved no pain and hardly any clean up. He would just lay back and enjoy. Enough about the sex talk. Ron was getting tired of it.

He sniffles as he lays in bed , curled up. He was ugly. He knew that. He was only there for Carl just because he happened to have a vagina... it was unfair. Of course he knew that. Life could never be fair to a transboy with big thighs and a slight tummy. He was tall and chubby and he knew no one could REALLY love him. He was absolutely disgusting. But maybe if he was skinnier... maybe if he cut more... maybe if he listened to society. Never. Ron was already suffering from depression, he didn't need to add anorexia to the list. He sighs as his... well... he didn't really know... as Carl wraps an arm around his clothed and tired body. He is hold his pillow to his stomach, lying that he had a stomach ache and couldn't have sex. He just didn't want to do it.

"Ron..."Comes from carl, rubbing his hip."You okay, do you want me to run a bath?" Ron's heart fluttered "Yeah... maybe , I dont know, I just don't feel good" he tells carl , the boy saying."Oh... well. If there's no chance of persuading you." Ron looks so saddened by the words coming from his lovers mouth. "Seriously?"Ron angrily asks , his face going a bit red with anger and embarrassment.

Carl giggled "No, I promise, I'm just kidding."He lies but it goes over Ron's head. "But I do have to go, it's a family thing." Ron sighs loudly."O-okay, good bye... see you at school tomorrow?" Carl nods winking at Carl."Call me up if you feel any better" and then he closes the door without even saying goodbye. Ron covers his face. His brain breaking down as he looks up at the ceiling. Why was it always like this? He fell in love and was fucked over , literally.

Ron manages to Cry himself to sleep. Poor thing, is what his mother thinks when she sees him sleeping on the floor with tear stains on his cheeks but... she doesn't help him.


Ron wakes up with a loud groan , discombobulated on the harsh ground. He stands up, holding his aching stomach as he does so. He rushes to the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet. Fuck. This was so gross. He closed his eyes and laid his head on the toilet seat. This was his life now. He sighs. Another round of vomiting and he's feeling better. He flushes the toilet and stands. He whines, brushing his teeth and rinsing.

Ron walks to his bed , grabbing his binder. It hurts to walk from the days before. He starts crying as his binder just isn't working. It's too small. He definitely needs a new one. He just squeezes himself into the too small one and tries to go about his day. He walks downstairs to be met with his mother , biting her lip."Ron I need to tell you something"

"Yes mom?"

"You're adopted"

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