Chapter 7

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Raven's POV

Weeks passed since Dante and I met, and every time Prince-y sees us he gets all grumpy or he takes away Dante for more training. I sighed. What's his problem? I walked to the living room to see Dante there. This guy is seriously fun and also knows how to laugh. Unlike some people. "Heyyyy!! My bestieeee!!!" He squealed with a fake high pitched girl voice. I laughed and he ran to me and slung his arm around my shoulder. "How's your day going?" He smiled my way and I grinned. "So far it's been pretty peaceful as it can b—" I started to cough out blood, the pain in my chest spread throughout my body like wildfire. My legs gave out, I almost fell to the floor but Dante caught me. Tears sprung my eyes. It bad.. I looked at Dante and saw his eyes were glowing full violet and changing back to his usual ones.

He was fighting the urge to feed. He carried me to what I'm guessing the pack clinic. Tears blurred my vision as I felt the soft sheets underneath me. "What is happening to her?!" He sounds worried. I covered my mouth with my palm to stop the blood flowing out and to stop it from spurting everywhere. "This only happens when you meet your mate and if that mate happens to be cheating this is what happens." I heard shuffling around. "Do something to stop this! Or somehow lessen the pain!" Dante hissed and I almost felt the doctor nodding. I coughed out more blood and pain started to spread throughout my body.

I gripped the sheets with both of my hands to stop the pain. I felt the doctor wipe my mouth with wet towel. "Please drink this. This will lessen the pain somehow." He poured a gooey bitter liquid at my mouth and I immediately swallowed. The pain somehow lessened and I loosened my hold on the sheets as my vision starts to clear up. The pain was still there so I whimpered pathetically. I saw the doctor leaving the room and Dante sat beside me. " will get better soon. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about this." I nodded my head and sat up. Dammit.. "It's okay. Can we walk for a while?" He nodded his head and started leading me out. He started ranting that mates or Beloveds—in his case— should take care of each other not hurt each other. I zoned out while walking just in time he ended his rant with a huff. I sighed. I've been doing that a lot lately. "Where is your mate and how did this happen? Explain." I sighed..again.. I cringed as pain started acting up again but I managed not to fall. "My mate is Prince Caccius. Well..I am his second mate. His first mate is Felisha, the girl you saw that is always following him like a loyal puppy. He apparently rejected her and that's where I came into the scene. I hacked their files hoping to bring them back together." Well that stung my tongue. "You're a hacker?! Why would in god's name bring his first mate?!" He exclaimed. I shushed him and glared. "I've always been rejected. Did you know this is the third time I've been a second mate? And I'm hoping that he'll be like the others." I chuckled bitterly. "How often did this happen? You coughing up blood I mean."

"Every once in a while." I shrugged like it was nothing.. "And you've been through that all alone without telling me?!" He exclaimed..once again. "Oh shush! It's nothing!"

"This is not right! A mate or Beloved should cherish and love you! Not this!" He had a disgusted face on. But it was not directed at me. It was directed at my mate. I looked down at my clothes and saw it was all bloodied up. Ew. It was icky.. "Hey, meet ya up later. This clothes are starting to ick." He nodded his head as we went separate ways. As I went to my room I crossed passed with Prince-y, he stopped a few feet away from me and saw my bloodied clothes. A look of worry flashed upon his face and in a blink it was gone again. "What happened to you? I knew you were a killer. Where did you hide the body?" Hi smirked while taunting at me. That got me angry. What is wrong with him?! "Smell the f.ckin blood you dingbat! It's my blood! No one else's! What happened?! What happened?! You! You happened! While you go playing around and being a selfish little brat, I was at the pack clinic dealing with the pain you've caused! Just le-leave me!" A traitor of a tear fell down my cheek as I fast walked away from him. He caught my arm again. "L-look.. I-i'm sorry. I just..couldn't let you go a-and.."

"We need to talk after I finished showering. Wait outside my room and explain to me why can't you let go of me. You have your damn original mate here." I left no room for argument as I yanked my arm away from his hold and went inside my room to shower.
After showering, I wore a plain orange shirt and shorts that stopped at mid thigh. I placed both of my knives at their usual places and combed my hair and wore flip-flops. I went out of my room and saw Caccius waiting outside the door. "Where would you like to talk?" He asked.

"We can talk at the balcony." I started walking there and he followed. Silence made its way between him and me. We entered the balcony and sat at one of the chairs. There was a moment of silence before he fired the questions first at me. "First of all, how did you know Felisha was my first mate? And Why did you kept on insisting for me to reject you?"

"I knew she was your mate the minute I hacked into your files. I also hacked hers—" he was about to cut in but I signaled my hand for him to shut up. "Don't worry I didn't go that deep into the both of your files. I want you to reject me because I know you'll be like them. I know you'll reject me once you and your original mate bonded and starts to rebuild your mate bond again. OK, my turn. Why wouldn't you reject me? And this is weirding me out but why didn't your original mate bond started yet? It's been weeks! It should have started weeks by now!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"I can't reject wolf loves you already. And he doesn't allow me a-and I also wanted to spend some time with you and try it out.. I guess.—" he scratched the back of his neck and looked away from me. I would have said 'awww' if it wasn't for the situation. "—and as for the original mate bond.. It's not rebuilding anymore because I completely rejected her and I don't want her anymore. And before I forget! How did you learned how to hack?" He looked at me pointedly. I chuckled nervously "about that.. I just learned it for fun. I can also read Morse code and Binary codes. Hahaha.." I gave out a nervous laugh. Yay me. At least now I learned about the mate thing. "I'm so so sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry that I'm a selfish bastard. I'm sorry." He looked down and frowned his voice held shame and regret. I stood up from the chair and patted his head. "There there. It's alright." He growled at me playfully  "I'm not a dog you know" I  stopped my hands from patting his head and smiled "well you are close!" He shook his head and smiled. "Uhmm. To repay you... How about going lunch together? and I promise I'll try to be a better mate. I know you're not saying something to me about the 'them' you're talking about but I'll be here to listen when the time's right." He got up and hugged me. I tensed at first and relaxed. "Okay about the lunch thing—" i smiled "—and I'll be wishing you and Dante the best of luck in the upcoming war." He pulled away and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He nodded and started to walk away. "See you at lunch!" I smiled to myself as he said that. Buttttt.... I hope I don't regret this. And once again. I sighed.


Eyyy people! Thank you once again for reading this book up until now! XD thank you for the voters and the nice comments! Hope you had a nice day!😊😘

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