Chapter 11

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Raven's POV

After the pack doctor left. A ringing silence surrounds me and Caccius. We simply don't know what to say. He was indecisive on who his mate was. I know he's at war with his wolf on who the real mate is. I stood up from the bed as his eyes followed me. My feet was still wobbly but I managed. " I'm going back to my room to shower..and.. Uh..yeah." I scratched the back of my neck and smile at him as I rushed out of the door.

Well, that was awkward. I ran to my room to shower. I stink. I got my towel and went straight to the shower. After doing shower stuff-which I literally scrubbed my hair and body with soap and shampoo coz the dirty feeling of not showering for months is still there- I wore my grey leggings, orange turtleneck sweater, white scarf and my beanie. As I've noticed while I was walking through the castle halls it was so cold. I also wore my combat boots and head out of my room. The castle feels so empty. I started to wander thought different halls and I also found there were so many secret chambers and passages through this castle! I decided that it was getting boring so I headed out of the castle. As I opened the doors.. It...was...SNOWING! IT WAS MOTHEREFFIN SNOWING!!! THAT'S WHY IT'S SO COLD! I giddily walked outside and when I stepped foot outside, my feet sunk in the deep snow. I laughed loudly and let my self fall face flat on the snow. I quickly stood up. "Okay that was a bad idea. That was effin' cold, but hey.. IT'S SNOWINGGGGGG!!!!" I yelled out happily as I made snow angels outside the castle. This is my first time seeing yeah.. Back where I originally lived. It was hot there.. I heard a rustle nearby so I stopped my playing and went to check it out.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU'RE A DAMN STALKER I WILL CHASE YOU AND BURY YOU ON THIS COLD ASS SNOW!" I threatened as I neared where I heard the rustling. A snowball in hand. Okay, I know this is pretty stupid. As if the attacker will be dead if I throw a damn snowball. The man came out his hands up in the air as he smiled at me. "A snowball? Really?"

"Who are you and what are you doing in the castle grounds?" I can't really make out his face because his scarf was covering half of it. He was wearing a beanie and a coat. He was also wearing jeans and boots. "Ouch. Seriously? You can't remember me? That hurts sis." My eyes widen as I recognized my little brothers voice.. Well, he's not so little anymore. He's 19 years old. I screamed and jumped at him. I wrapped my legs at his torso and wrapped my arms around his neck as he caught me. He chuckled while I laughed. "Where have you been?! What are you doing here?!"

"Okay. Okay. Chill with the questions! Well I proved myself worthy to be a top warrior at the second most powerful pack in the Lycan Realms. I got called here for a business. I'm with my Alpha. Even though I'm not a wolf I proved myself worthy. Mom's worried for you. Says she misses you." I smiled and hugged at him tightly. He puts me down and smiled. "I never thought you could be this childish. I mean, snow angels? Really?" I slapped him at the back of his head. "Whatever. I miss ya little bro. C'mon let's get inside! I'll make hot cocoa." We went inside the castle and we walked straight to the kitchen where I made two hot cocoas with marshmallows. I gave him one as I drank my own. "You still have a weird favorite color you know." I rolled my eyes at him. "What's your business here anyway? Are you visiting? Who's your Alpha?"

"Well I could ask you the same. What are you doing at the Lycan Realms? Are you a cook here? I thought you were on Neutral Grounds? Did you quit your job?"

"Yes I 'retired' on my job. I'm not a cook. I'm the so called mate of the Prince. He's also to be crowned King on the next morrow. Well, that's what I heard. Now answer my question!" I didn't tell him about the coma thing I went through. I don't  want them to worry. "Well we are visiting. My Alpha says he's the cousin of the Prince. So yeah. We'll be staying here til the crowning of the Prince." I nodded my head and sipped at my hot cocoa and so did he. Suddenly Prince-y and Felisha entered the kitchen smiling. I looked away and focused on my hot cocoa. "Who's your friend Raven?" I heard Felisha say. "Well, he's my brother, Amir. Also the top warrior of his pack. He's here with his Alpha" I stated proudly. I'm so proud of my little brother. My brother bowed at the Prince-y and nodded at Felisha.

"Ahh. My cousin did say he brought his top warrior. You must've proved yourself worthy to be the top warrior at your pack." Prince-y commented.

"Yes, your majesty. I did." My brother stood tall and proud as he said this. But he almost frowned as if he realized something but kept his mouth shut. I looked at Prince-y and Felisha to see them holding hands. I just looked away and drank my cocoa. "So.. What happened?" I gave Prince-y a knowing look. I was asking about what happened this past 3 months. Felisha went to the counter to probably make some hot cocoa.

He pursed his lips and frowned. "Well, nothing much that you should worry about. We had, had a few meetings with the other Alpha's concerning the past war and I've discussed things with my father and that's about it." I nodded my head as I saw Felisha gave him a hot cocoa. I saw him drank it and noticed him forced down a choke. I almost laughed. Well that's sad. She can't make a simple cocoa. "Hey.. Uhmm.. Your majesty, is the cocoa not your liking? Is it too sweet?" My brother voiced out my question and he looks like he was trying not to laugh and tried to keep a straight face on. I wanted to laugh so bad. "U-uhm.. No, no. It tastes g-good." He drank the cocoa and cleared his throat. I giggled and my brother chuckled. "What's so funny?" Felisha said. I almost forgot that she's here. "Nothing." My brother and I said simultaneously. "Hey hey. Did you noticed it's snowing outside? THERE'S SNOW AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL! IMMA GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY! I DON'T CARE IF IT'S CHILDISH! IT'S SNOW!" Prince-y and Felisha looked at me weirdly "well, duh. We noticed it's snowing! That's why I made hot cocoa for my darling and me. Quit acting so childish." She said. Didn't she hear that I said I don't care if it's childish? "Sorry for my sister's outburst. This is her first time seeing snow. She tends to do that when she sees or learns new things." I rolled my eyes. So what? "I think it will be fun if we'll be outside for a while." Prince-y tugs at Felisha whilst I dragged my brother outside where the snow is. I laughed as I started building a snow fort. I missed being a child. Where there are no problems and you just have fun. My phone suddenly rang so I turned away from the people I'm with and fished it out of my bra. What? I know it's weird but I don't have any pockets! And both of my knives occupy my boots! I answered it seeing the caller I. D was only an unknown number.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Raven, we have a job for you. Your next assignment will be on the Mage's Rea—" I recognized that voice as my boss.

"No. I've resigned, remember? I'm not doing that again. Just assign that to Tristan. He's the current undercover right?" I kept my voice as low as possible. It takes practice to keep your voice low. To the point where  heightened senses can barely hear it. "Him and his mate are assigned on two jobs already. Just consider this as your last assign—" can't he just stop?

"I said no. I'm sorry my decision is final." I said as I hung up. I just woke up from a coma and this? No more. Nope! I turned around to see Prince-y walking towards me. "Is there a problem?" He said. I saw Amir and Felisha talking so I just sighed and gave Prince-y my best smile. "No problem at all!" We went back to where Felisha and Amir are and when we neared Felisha clings herself to Prince-y. I internally rolled my eyes and looked away. I looked at my brother to see him looking at me with a look that says 'you better explain this to me' look. I sighed and nodded and we went inside again. Hmm.. I wonder who my brother's Alpha is? Well.. Surely I'll meet him tomorrow!


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