7 Still alive?

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*Victor pov*

We were almost back when I hear Phichit screaming. At first I didn't know why he was yelling, but then I realized, he screamed Yuuri's name. I broke out in a sprint towards the house, leaving a confused Otabek and Yurio behind. When I arrived at the house I remembered they were in the backyard. I saw Yuuri on the side of the pool, not moving. I ran up to him, saw that he was not breathing.

Phichit came back to reality and helped me with Yuuri. I gave him mouth on mouth while he puts pressure on Yuuri's chest. After a few times Yuuri started coughing up water.

"OH MY GOD, YUURI I THOUGHT YOU DIED!!" I yelled at him.

"Vic...*cough*...*cough* tor." He said. Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Yes Yuuri, don't worry. I'm here. I thought I lost you for a second. I was so scared you would fall into a coma again." I held him close to me as he looked up at me and wiped my tears away.

"I'm okay Victor. I never want to see you cry again. I never want to leave you and I never want you to leave me. You need to promise me that you would never leave me Victor, never. I love you way too much and I would die without you." I started crying again, but this time Yuuri had tears streaming down his face as well. I gently wiped his tears away.

"I never want you to leave either. Last time I lost you for two whole weeks. You can ask the others how broken I was... I didn't eat nor sleep and was searching for you non-stop. When I finally found you, I brought you to the hospital and stayed in your room. No one could get me out of the room, not even the security. I love you so, so much, I never want to lose you again. I love you too much for that. I've known that for a very long time now and I wanna be yours for the rest of my life so please be my boyfriend?"

"I thought I already was your boyfriend, Victor. But yes, I would love to." He replied.

"You two are so cute, I think I have to barf." Yurio said while hugging Otabek.

"Guys, since Yuuri is okay and we were trying out new things, let's go on a triple date. We can go ice skating, I wanna know if Yuuri and I can still do that in our new forms." Phichit suggested.

"Yes that sounds like a good idea, I wanna know too." Yuuri said.

"Maybe you can do it even better in your new form." Otabek said.

"We won't know unless we try." Yuuri said cheerfully. I hugged Yuuri and whispered;

"I love you. No matter what." In his cute cat ear. He instantly became really red and hid his head in my chest.


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