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kim taehyung was having a really shitty day.

after his, so to speak, incident involving jungkook, he had sunk into some sort of an emotional stupor. he felt numb—there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think of his former lover, not a day that went by that he didn't wish he did something different. his focus on work was slackening, and the growth of irritating customers wasn't working wonders for his mood.

". . . the temperature is at an all day low at 39°, so make sure to stay warm. we're expecting thunderstorms in around an hour from now. tomorrow, the temperature will be taking a turn for the warmer. . . "

turning off the radio station, he fought to keep his eyes open as he continued driving, eyes glassy as he stared straight forward at the road before him—the streets were adorned with towering buildings, glimmering lights from its windows fluorescing in his hazel irises. he emitted a soft sigh as he pulled into his driveway at last, stumbling out of his car and locking the doors.
he stepped over the brass ledge and into the strangely empty comfort of his home. setting his bag down by his rickety coat rack, he swallowed his usual "i'm home!" and padded across his wooden floorboards, flopping down onto his couch, hugging his plush cushions close to his chest and drew in a long, shuddering breath.

after staring blankly at the manila ceiling for a couple of minutes, he rolled over on his side and his sock-clad feet came into contact with his carpet. walking across the room, he opened his one of his kitchen cupboards and wrapped his fingers around the handle of his worn water kettle, filled it with tap water, and set it onto the stove. he twisted the dial and watched as azure flames licked the underside of the slightly rusted kettle.
a soft rumble came from his stomach and he reached at the handle of his refrigerator door, closing his fingers around the cool metal and halting, breath caught in his throat.

a photo was stuck onto the metallic surface of the refrigerator—one of taehyung and a particular raven-haired male. taehyung was grinning brightly at the camera, one hand wrapped around his lover's shoulders and the other holding the camera. jungkook—oh, how the mere thought of his name seared his insides painfully—pressed his lips against taehyung's sun-kissed cheek, eyes closed and arms enveloped around taehyung's petite waist.

suddenly, taehyung wasn't so hungry anymore.


jeon jungkook always had, always have, and always will hate thunder.

cowering in his sheets with the dim light of his bedside lamp illuminating the aged pages of his novel, he cringed each time the glaring lightning flashed across the walls of his bedroom and each time the deafening crack of thunder blasted in his eardrums.
it was times like this that he missed taehyung the most—he squeezed his eyes shut, wishing that taehyung's arms could wrap themselves around his waist and trail butterfly kisses up his neck, all the while whispering to him that the bad weather would pass.

but truth be told, it had been three weeks since their makeshift breakup, and since then, his mind had been swimming with various thoughts:
he missed taehyung—he really did—but he couldn't manage to grasp enough courage to approach his ex-lover again. the two had ended on not-too-good terms—jungkook had heard taehyung attempting to muffle his sniffling as he exited the door, and he found tears trailing his own cheeks as the brunette exited their once shared residence.

"he said he loved you," jungkook whispered under his breath, setting his paperback book down onto his blanketed thighs, "he loved you."

over the course of the past few weeks, jungkook had been contemplating whether or not to approach a reconcile with taehyung, and how he was to do so. his former lover did tell jungkook that he loved him [though in rather vulgar terms, but he did deserve it after all he had put taehyung through], but he wasn't sure if his lover's feelings had changed.

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