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a melodious whistle was woven through the sweet-smelling morning air, mingled with muted footsteps, pattering along the stone-paved walkway at a leisurely pace. the morning sun had barely risen at such an early hour, its mellowed rays warming his cheeks and the backs of his hands. the brunette clutched a bouquet of bloodred roses in one hand, the stems wound together with a length of silky ribbon, the other lifting to his hair and tucking a few baby strands behind his ear.

crystalline dew drops clung to lush green leaves of the bushes trimming the sides of the road. the cracks in the pathway were filled with moss and small budding flowers, on which he took care not to tread on. the road was fairly calm- there was the distant rumble of cars and the faint clicks of high-heeled shoes against concrete in the distance.

reaching the cozy corner eatery, a small smile toyed with the corners of his lips, and he reached a hand to push up his rectangular-rimmed prescription glasses.
pushing open the front door, he was greeted by the joyful tinkling of the bell, and he took in the warm scent with a smile, listlessly discerning that of his favorite cinnamon pastries.

"good morning, beautiful."
his eyes set on a woman seated near the entrance, honeyed gaze melting at the sight of her. a soft blush dusted her cheeks at his words, and she tilted her head back to meet his hazel irises.

"good morning, taehyung." she hummed back, eyes lingering on the aforementioned's fingers as he brushed a lock of her chocolate-brown hair away from her eyes.

"did i keep you waiting?" he queried breathily, his lips ghosting across her forehead as he set the bouquet down onto the table.

"of course not." she piped back, her features aglow with a bright beam, her eyes creasing into half-crescents, revealing her long lashes curled upward into beautiful arcs. taehyung shrugged off his coat, draping it over the back of his chair before taking a seat. he now got a proper look at his fiancée- her dark brown locks cascaded down her slim shoulders, lips daintily tinted with a lovely shade of salmon pink. she donned a beige cashmere turtleneck that hugged her jawline, fisherman knit trailing down her front and tracing over the baggy sleeves that draped off of her arms.

"mm, what did you order? it looks amazing." he gushed, swallowing hungrily as his senses took in the items set on the table before them.

"not as amazing as you." she chimed back, plucking a scarlet petal from the bouquet and flitting it between her fingers, diamond-encrusted wedding ring glinting in the trail of light flowing from a small overhead lamp.

she leaned forward, an enchanting scent of perfume dousing over taehyung. her lips grazed his cheek, and there, she planted a soft kiss, leaving a faint trace of her lip tint on his complexion. it blended in well with his growing blush, and he scooted his chair closer to the table [closer to her], intoxicated by her scent, beauty, and voice.

and from the surface, he wasn't the only one.

a few tables further along, a black-haired male leaned his head against the foggy window, a pair of earbuds jammed into his ears, humming soft tunes to the boy. he cocked his head to the side as he watched the couple amusedly, and almost longingly- he was well aware that he was borderline intruding their privacy, but it was their fault for wanting to demonstrate such amorous behaviors in public.

"taehyung. . . " he munbled, forking a piece of chocolate cake into his mouth and brushing away the crumbs, "he sounds sweet. wish someone would bring me flowers."

the name felt familiar and welcoming as he enunciated it [quietly and cautiously under his breath, he whispered it a couple times, as if trying to recall something from the depths of his imagination]- it was as if he had uttered it many times before. the music in his ears faded away into the clinks of cutlery from the kitchen and the couple a few tables ahead. removing an earbud, he collected it in the palm of his hand, a small frown twitching the corners of his lips.

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