Chapter 9: The Gentle

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If your an gentle soul who has no fucking clue what that means let me be blunt.



She loosened her dress and dipped into the cold water and begn bathing when a voice sounded behind her and she blushed red and turned to see ban jump into the water and start swimming, "Your naked!" she yelled in embarsiment, "So are you" he replied laughing, "B-but" she hid her eyes and squealed, "Oh elaine" he grasped her shoulders and lowerd himself down to her level and whispered seductivly, "Your really pretty" he said, Goosebumps went up and down her arms as he rubbed her bare back slowly, "I want you" he said forcefully, She bit her lip and  he picked her up and laid her on the grass and began kissing her neck and leaving bruises everywhere. She whimpered and grasped his back roughly and he started feeling her chest and she let out a loud moan and coverd her mouth, "Dont be so fucking shy elaine" He said Feeling her womanhood, "Excited arent we?" he asked seductivly, "B-ban" she arched back and moaned loudly, "ready?" he asked, "mhm" she nodded as he held her tightly in place as he thrust himself inside her and she let out a loud whimper and let tears flow down her cheeks, "Goddammit elaine your so tight" He said groaning as he continued thrusting and she moaned.

"Your too rough ban!" she squealed, "Sorry elaine.." He began going slower, "I love you so much elaine" he said, "It feels so good" She muttered, "Im going to cum" he whispered, "me too" she whispered back as they cummed together he fell down and laid beside her and they both panted. "Thank you ban" she said, "for what?" he asked, "For making me yours" She said cuddeling him closely. 

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