Courtney ✨

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I got out our light brown GMC with Jude and Phoenix and headed towards the school building. We entered and passed a few blue lockers. A janitor swept the floor as we took a right turn and spotted the main office down the hall. There sat Jezelle, reading her book, "Backlash." She was only reading it for school project, other than that she would never read. She loved basketball, just like Luke, and she was very good.

She saw me walk down the hall and smiled, I smiled back. I stopped in front of her and Jude ran to her. "Jezzy, what did you do this time?" Jude asked as he stared into Jezelle's big brown eyes. Jezelle giggled, "I sang again."

Phoenix pleaded with his eyes that I put him down. I did so and Phoenix sat on the ground and played with his little red tractor in his right hand. I looked up at Jezelle, "Jezzy, please take care of them while I talk to Robert." Jezelle playfully rolled her eyes and smiled, "Mom, why can't you be like other parents and call him 'Principal Clark?'"

I entered the office just as Jenny, the student counselor, exited. "Hey Courtney," She said as she walked beside me and left. I responded and kept walking to Robert's office. Emma, the desk lady, gave me a quick smile and handed me a cup of coffee. "Welcome back, Courtney," Emma said as she handed me the coffee I always got when Robert called me to the office. I widened my eyes and shrugged, "I don't know if I should take that the good way or bad way." Emma chuckled and returned to her desk after handing me my coffee.

I entered Robert's office and quickly sat down on the black leather and took sip of my coffee. "Courtney, I don't think you're surprised to be here." I shook my head, I really wasn't surprised. "What did she do this time?" I asked and leaned back, this was gonna take a while. "She broke a window," he said. I nodded and asked how. Robert sighed and shook his head, "She sang again." I sat up now, "Oh."

Robert nodded and continued, "While singing the National Anthem, she was doing well until that high note, causing the window and the choir teacher's glasses to break." Robert sighed and looked at me, "That's the fifth time this week, Courtney."

I looked at the ground. I closed my eyes and sighed. I got up and opened my purse. While I do that, Robert sits down and I hand him the money.

"Courtney, I strongly suggest that you try to convince Jezelle to join band, she's an amazing violinist." Robert said. I sighed, I've tried to convince her, but she's very stubborn. Wonder where she gets that from. . .


I slowly pressed the gas pedal as the traffic light switched to green. I took one small glance at Jezelle who sat in the passenger's seat. She sat there with headphones in her ears as she stared out the window. I looked back at the road, listening to Jude sing "Jesus Loves Me."

When he was younger, around the age of two, He would make up the lyrics as he went along.

A faint "Mom," ripped me away from my thoughts. Jezelle was looking at me, one headphone in her right ear. I smiled looking at the road and the next exit up ahead, "Yes, Jezzy?" "Why can't I sing like you and dad?" Her eyes filled with curiosity.

My pulse raced at that question. She never asked that question, so I didn't know how to respond. Luke and I never told her she was adopted. We just couldn't, there was no right moment to tell her. My hands around the wheel began to sweat. I didn't know how to respond.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, "Well, you see Jezelle, God creates us differently. He made your dad an amazing singer, who's really tall, with beautiful curls. Then, God made me a good singer, who's not as tall as your father-" I smiled at that line, "With long dirty blonde hair." From the corner of my eye, I saw Jezelle smile.

I stopped at a stop sign and smiled at Jezelle. "And he made you a strong, beautiful, and talented girl," I gently pulled one little strand of her curls. Jezelle giggled and I joined her. Her giggles fell to a smile, "Thanks mom," she turned around and looked out the window smiling.

I passed a few houses until we were surrounded by only trees. We lived far from our neighbors, a ten minute drive. I spotted our bright read mailbox and turned and drove up our long driveway. It was a two story house with five bedrooms, a big kitchen connected to a living room, and three bathrooms. It had a small basement where Joel and Luke would always go and write music. The extra bedroom was used as a storage room, or as Jude called it, the junk jungle.

Our house was a dusty green color on the outside with white borders around the windows and doors. Our driveway was covered with some leaves.

Our driveway and mailbox was empty so no one had arrived yet. I was a bit disappointed not to see Luke's grey Mercedes. He was suppose to come back from touring today. Jude jumped out the car and Jezelle got out, set her violin case down, and picked Jude up, tickling him while I unbuckled Phoenix.

"Jezzy! Stop!" Jude said in between laughs. Jezelle stopped, still chuckling. "How about we race to the house, Jude?" Jezelle smirked, as she picked up her violin case, and Jude grinned. "Okay!" Jude yelled and raced Jezelle up the driveway. Phoenix kicked to get out of my arms. I laughed softly, "Phoenix, you're still too young." Phoenix pouted and crossed his arms. I chuckled and kissed his cheek, Phoenix rubbed his cheek.

I laughed, from across the driveway, Jezelle called out, "Mom, the house is locked. Where's the key?" I put Phoenix down, holding his hand, and pulled the key out my purse. Before I knew it, Jude was already waiting for me to hand him the key. I handed it to him and he ran back to the house. Phoenix tried chasing him, but I caught him.

I blew into his neck, causing Phoenix to laugh loudly. And so did I.

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