Luke ☀️

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Joel ran to the other side of the studio to hit the chimes as Ben grabbed a trumpet and began to read the sheet music on the stand. Blake started playing the piano's little solo and Mark harmonized on the guitar. The Duke and Stephen played the drums, hitting it hard that it made there hands vibrate along with the drum set as Vince passionately  played the cello.

Joel lifted up his drum stick to signal me to play the final beat on the bass drum. Instead, I stared off, thinking about Jezelle, missing the signal. Everyone stopped, making the music sound like a car engine turning off, except Vince. Blake walked over and tapped Vince's shoulder, "Dude, stop, Luke missed it again." Vince kept playing and shaking his head, "No! If I have to play it again, I'm going to loose my mind." Blake snatched the bow from Vince's hand, "I think you already did."

The Ole Bloke called through the speakers of their recording studio, "Um, let's take another break." Ben groaned and snatched up his cello and walked back to the other side of the studio. Mark, Blake, and Vince planned to order Chinese food during the break. The Duke and Stephen grabbed there phones.

Joel fixed his hair by running his hand through it and then walked over to me, but I was to busy thinking to notice him behind me. "Luke?" Joel tapped my shoulder making me turn around. "Is something wrong?" I sighed and shook my head, I didn't feel like getting older brother advice. There's just too much on mind. "I'm okay, Joel."

Joel frowned and asked again, "Luke? What's wrong?" "Nothing, Joel! I'm fine, stop asking!" I commanded loudly.

Everyone turned and looked at Joel and I. Joel backed up a bit and nervously swallowed, "I'm sorry, Luke. I didn't mean to upset you, I'll leave you alone." I sighed heavily and stopped Joel in his steps, "Sorry, man, it's just, I've been having some problems lately."

Joel gave me a concerned look, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I bit my tongue. Courtney and I never told our family about Jezelle. About her being adopted. No one even knew we lost our baby. Courtney didn't want no one to feel pity for her, and I didn't want no one to treat Jezelle differently just because she isn't a Smallbone by blood. I love her dearly, blood or not, she is my daughter.

I gave a fake grin and looked at Joel, "I think I found a solution," I lied. Joel believed it though, he gave a smile and patted my back, "That's great, man. Now," he turned to everyone, "From the top!" I kept my fake smile on my face all the way back to the drum section. What was I gonna do now?

We played the song again, and we were almost to the end, until I forgot to play once again. Everyone groaned, dropping their instruments. Vince cracked and fell to the ground, rolling back and forth. The Duke pulled out Vince's phone, "I'll call Kara."

Mark smiled widely and lifted his index finger, "On the bright side, the chinese food is here!"

Joel nodded happily and put his drum sticks down, "Okay, after the chinese food, we'll try it again. . . For the twenty-third time."


Hope you liked it!

Questions, comments, predictions?

God bless :)


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