Chapter One

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   The blue and green pixels formed the bridge as the Autobots walked through with something in servo. Ratchet closed the bridge watching the pixels slowly dematerialized.

"Mind filling us in? " The teen boy asked as he learned against the rail. They looked at the torn relic as they set it on the table. Miko dashed over to the relic and hopped over the rail to the table.

"What is it?" She questioned gleefully. She poked it close to the button. "Ah Ah Ah,  don't touch,  it must go through full examines before I can identify this relic, " Ratchet explained and pushed her away with his digit.

The girl grumbled a few words before strolling over to it again. "So...  Why is it ripped? " She asked again and learned against it.

"Miko! " Shouted the media before he grabbed the relic and set it on the console. "Would you please leave! " He growled and gritted his dental plates as he did.

Jack came over and grabbed her arm harshly. "Up here, " He said and pulled her along. "Fine, " She grumbled in response and shook his hand off.

Rafael jumped onto Bumblebees servo and he beeped and whirred about. " Wow, " He said stunned and the other humans looked at him.

"Bumblebee said that when they were fighting for the relic,  Optimum and Megatron ripped it in half,  unintentionally, '' The tech boy translated. The two nodded and the scout to him to Ratchet.

Bulkhead walked out of the room and Arcee was quietly talking to the Prime about their next move. "How do we know if this relic can do some damage or end up putting our team at risk? " She thought aloud and Optimum looked down at her.

"Ratchet might know more about this relic but not at this time.  We should give him time to do research and see what he can find before this is out into action, " Optimus explained and motioned to his medic.

  Rafael looked around the relic and saw the pumps and gears that powered it. "Will you be able to repair it? " He asked and touched the stained energon. "Without the other half, I can't just build another our of scrap here on Earth, "Ratchet gripped the console and looked at the boy.

  Raf looked at the neon blue light that ringed the relic and the silver metal. A rectangular half button than popped up. The boy walked over and trapped over his lace. The boy gasped as he dropped a few of his things and fell into the relic.

  The Autobots ran towards him until a binding light lit the room.  Jack,  Raf,  and Mike looked around and their eyes widened to their sight.

   I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and might be taking it slower when I write,  enjoy.

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