Chapter Two

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  The humans unshielded their faces and Jack put his arms to the side and looked around frantically for the bots. The light had dimmed although the lights above made it harder to see. Rafael gasped and lowered his head in shame. Miko put a hand on his shoulder and Jack ran down the stairs to find the bots.

  A small yellow mech with black striped sat in he middle of the room. Raf gasped and ran towards the scout and looked into his big blue optics. The tiny mech beeped and panicked to his voice. "It's alright Bee, it's alright," The boy whispered soft words to Bumblebee.

Smokescreen ran around flailing his arms. He jumped and attempted to do a flip but landed on his stomach. He giggled like mad and rolled onto his back. Miko grinned at the excitement Smokey had. He giggled some more and jumped to his pedes and ran some more.

Ratchet was on the console observing himself in shock. "Ratchet?" Rafael asked concerned. "Yes, Rafael?" He responded and climbed down the wall. "Are you, you?" He questioned and looked at him. "Surprisingly enough, are the others... gone?" Ratchet asked then grabbed a wrench and observed it.

  Optimus was in the corner talking quietly to himself. The medic put a servo up telling them to wait a moment and walked over to the prime. The humans watched in awe as they chatted.

The humans waiting and walked over. "Ratchet?" Jack asked. "Shh... We are talking to my wrench!" He snapped and laughed to the prime's comment. Miko laughed and saw Arcee smiling.

"Bwumblebee, Swokeseen, Bwulky, Cwiff?" She said and frowned when she didn't see them. "Twaigate? Cwiff? Stop playing hide and seek!" She demanded and looked around. The humans all shared a looked and her. "He..He, d-" Bumblebee beeped and high fived the femme.

She smiled and went over to play with the others. "Thanks Bee," Raf thanked and it seemed as if he knew. "Do the Bots know what happened to everyone when the war broke out?" He wondered and pondered for a moment."Doesn't seem like it. Arcee asked about Cliffjumper and Bumblebee asked about his voice and panicked," Jack replied and took a moment to process it.

"Ratchet seems like the only one who wasn't affected... He fell into well a state where sparklings would fall in but would come back often," Jack added and looked at the playing bots. Rafael ran over and sat criss cross watching their guardians play. Bumblebee stopped and walked over to the boy and saw a yellow toy car. He pointed and reached for it.

Rafael grinned and gave the you car to him and watched him observe it carefully. He sat in between the boy's legs and hugged the toy car. He beeped hopefully and saw the boy's expression jump to worry. "But you are... the car Bee..." He mumbled and the scout's optics dimmed.

Jack and Miko joined in and Bulkhead ran over to the girl. He sat next to her and whispered something in her ear. Arcee sat on Jack's knee and drawn her legs to her chest. "If 'Cons are still out there... who will protect us from them," Rafael questioned and still had many more that needed to be answered. Jack sighed and looked at the femme that said nothing. "We still have school tomorrow and we can't just leave them here without anyone to look after them. Even if Ratchet is still himself, he can become easily childish in like a split second." Miko explained and the two boys looked at her.

"She has a point...." Jack commented and rubbed his face tiredly.  Arcee jumped off Jack's leg and transformed into her alt-mode. Her stand kicked in and she drove off, starting with a wheelie around the others. Bumblebee jumped and his optics got fuller as he tried to transform. He whirred sadly then gears churned inside and he turned to his chevy camero.

Others watched and did the same and it turned to a driving fiasco. Arcee stopped in front of Jack and the boy examined her closely. He reached for her but she sped off down the ally. "Come catch me!" She shouted and sped further down the dark hallway.
She stopped and transformed and clung on to a nearby wall. "Jack!" She whisper shouted and started crying. Footsteps came down the hallway, frightening her. "I..I-I know you awe there!" She shouted and put her tiny servos up. She closed her optics and her guns revealed.

She gasped and held gun point at the incoming threat. The footsteps quickened and her guns started to warm up and the shadowy figure appeared. She opened an optics and shot at the threat but missed.

  "Arcee!" He shouted angrily and picked her up. "Sorry...." She mumbled and buried her helm into his shirt. He rubbed circles on her back and walked towards the main area.


  "Ratchet? Shouldn't we go home?"Miko asked. The others looked at her bewildered. "You want to go home!" Jack almost shouted and his charge covered her audio receptors. Smokescreen ran up to Bumblebee and jumped excitedly. "We are going home with out friend's today!" He said and did a cartwheel.

  "We can't leave them here..." Jack started and looked down at his shoes. "Miko you take Bulkhead, Raf... can you take two?" He asked slightly nervous. The boy hesitantly nodded. "Bumblebee and Smokescreen... I will take Arcee and Optimus," Jack leaded and waited for the ground bridge to activate.

  Ratchet jumped onto the switch and held onto it as it lowered down to activate. Optimus walked and held his hand while Jack and the two wheeler held onto hi waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. Bumblebee hopped into his backpack and poked his helm out.

Bulkhead ran to the portal that glowed up the base. Jack and his two bots went in first and were soon followed by the others.

  They exited the base and Ratchet sighed before grabbing his wrench and walking ot the corner to have a chat with it.


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