Opinions- A/N

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Hey there reader, I was thinking. Should there be a sequel to this? If so, what would it be about? What characters would be effected? And all this thinking starts to overwhelm me, most likely because I have a thousand stories to finish ( Finishing Malfunction probably ).

So, I would like some suggestions, should just one Autobot and just one Decepticon be effected? Or should just one whole Orientated Field take over?

Should it be a mash-up? With one of the stories? If I did that, I would need a reasonable story. Not one of Unicorns and then you collide it with Transformers. Such as taking Cyberdog (One of my stories) and This one.

Please do not say Malfunctioned. That would give away too many Spoilers. Nobody wants spoilers...



Please, I don't want to beg, but I need your opinions. Should there be a sequel? And what would it be about and what side would be effected? Please support your idea and it will decide of the sequel should or should not be made.

Thanks guys! <3

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