Chapter Eight

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The wrecker glared at the warlord debating whether he was serious or bluffing. "Your bluffing, your just sparklings!" The mech muttered.

"Kill him if they don't give us what we want," Megatron ordered and transformed, flying off elsewhere. Soundwave followed close behind. Shockwave nodded in confirmation.

"Bring the relic here," Shockwave demanded. "Or let us into your base. Choose one or the Scout gets it!" He threatened and tapped his helm with the cannon.

"Doc, Open a bridge," The wrecker commed through. A portal opened behind them, Arcee dashing through first.


"Ratchet, we need the relic and you to come with us," She demanded and the kids ran down the steps. "Bee is hurt and Shockwave will hurt him more if we don't give him the relic," She briefly explained.

Rafael gasped and thought of the possibilities. Ratchet nodded grabbed the large half of the relic. Arcee supported by grabbing the other half and dashing through the bridge.

"Do you think they will be..." Raf's voice trained off and Jack shook his head. "They will be alright Raf," He assured.


The groundbridge closed behind them and Wheeljack gripped the relic. The scientist extended his arms out as Wheeljack approached him.

Shockwave kicked the scout over, Energon leaking from his wounds. Shockwave connected the pieces together and connecting cables.

The Autobots remained still, Ratchet checking over Bumblebee's wounds. "Why can't we leave, Doc," Wheeljack asked ready to leave.

"If we leave, we won't turn back to our normal selves," He explained, too quiet for the scientist to hear.

Bumblebee was pulled over, closer to them as his side ached and his arm mangled, bleeding Energon.

They started running and hiding behind pillars as Wheeljack called for a bridge and told them to close it.

"This whole incident was illogical," He grumbled as he finished welding the relic. "And it is fixed!"

The Autobots exchanged smiles and continued to watch. "This was fun," Smokescreen whispered and smiled sadly.

Shockwave said his servo across the relic and noticed something, someone in the back.

"Autobots? They are still here?"  He growled. He started to their way and they jumped. "You guys are mean!" He shouted angrily.

Optimus stomped his ped and ran towards the relic. He transformed and started speeding towards it. He transformed and jumped onto the table, waiting for confirmation.

  Ratchet nodded and the Prime pressed the button. A blinding white light flashed taking over the room, the whole ship in fact.

Wheeljack smiled when he noticed the whole team was back.

"Hey, Raf, could you open a bridge?" He asked and heard the soft hum of the bridge.

A green and blue hue appeared with a swirl in the middle of the room. Arcee started shooting and backed up into the portal that led to the base.

Vehicons entered the room and started blasting at them aimlessly, hoping to get a lucky shot. She jumped into the portal shooting once more and saw the interior of the base come into view.


The portal opened and in came Arcee as she landed with her blasters still pointed at the portal. Blaster fire entered the ground bridge and made a scorch mark on the wall.

Their eyes widened as she saw that she was in full height. Ratchet dragged a wounded Bumblebee in and rested him against the berth.

Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Optimus followed shortly after and the bridge closed.

Raf stood close to Bumblebee and saw his dark optics that were normally filled with aqua blue light.

"Are the...Decepticons back to their normal self too?" Miko asked and leaned on the rail.

"Ya, sadly," Bulkhead muttered. Smokescreen signed forcefully and walked to the back room to rest while the others remained up front.

Ratchet repaired hastily and as steady as he could. His optics flickered on and he groaned in his broken voice.

"Stay still, Bumblebee! I am close to getting done with the repairs," The medic snapped. Optimus set a servo on the medic's shoulder and gave a nod. Ratchet looks at the arm and didn't want to fail.

The humans were slightly sad that they could take care of them anymore.

"Ratchet? Do you remember anything that happened when you were....well a sparkling?" Jack questioned and the humans nodded.

"I rather not go back to that thought, that memory," He grimaced as he felt so small and helpless.

Wheeljack headed back towards the tunnel."I've gotta more to explore out there, " He stated and transformed.

"Aww...." Miko complained as be transformed. "Well cya, Jackie," Bulk waved as the other speeds out of the base.

The scout's mangled arm was fixed, although a small pain remained in his arm. He rubbed his arm and headed to the Rail.

"I miss them as sparklings," Miko muttered and Bumblebee looked at her strangely. "They were a pain, just a little..." June added and chuckled lightly.

"What happened while we were, well sparklings?" Arcee quizzed as she overheard them talking.

Miko gasped ready to tell the story and grinned happily at their reactions, with the exception of Optimus and Smokescreen.

The book was getting a little boring so I made up my mind and decided to finish the book and continue on with others

Thank you for your cooperation :)


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