Chapter Seven

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  Miko held the tiny Bulk in her arms as he recharged. Arcee and Bumblebee slept peacefully next to each other in between Jack and Raf. Smokescreen was sprawled on the floor in his recharge. Optimus was sitting on the table resting his helmet on his servo.

Wheeljack tried working with the smaller Ratchet although he seemed a bit more more....moody. Every now and then he would punish the larger mech for doing completely nothing.

"Uh, Doc, I think I might have found some info on this thing," He stated and lifted the small medic onto the console.

He hummed and stroked his chin before turning to the wrecker.  "We require the other half of the relic, meaning we have to go capture it from the Nemesis..." He looked at the sprawled Smokescreen and back at the wrecker.

"I'll go," Wheeljack said with a smirk. "But, we need coordinates and more than just yourself," Ratchet pointed out.

"Start....Im going to go play!" The medic lost his train if thought and smiled as he reached for Wheeljack to put him down.

Wheeljack glanced at the humans who looked slightly worried but continued to watch their guardians.

Rafael carefully stood up and reached for his laptop. "I think that he wanted us to start searching for the coordinates to the Nemesis before the bots end up staying in this form," Raf remarked and started searching.

Smart kid, Wheeljack thought. "The cloaking device is down?" The young boy wondered to himself.

Miko and Jack exchanged looks and stared at the boy. "That's good....right?" June questioned and the boy nodded. "It means that we can  bridge to the ship and take the relic so we can repair it."

   Wheeljack smirked, "Let's bash some 'Cons!" Rafael looked over at the sparklings that recharged peacefully.

"We want to be...our normal selves..." A fully awake Optimus quietly said. "We don't know...what our normal selves are, but if it is to protect, Jack, Miko and Waf, it's worth it," Smokescreen added and pushed himself off the floor.

Bumblebee clicked and whirred in agreement and yawned. Arcee nodded and Bulkhead gave a thumbs up.

They stood up and ran down the steps to the wrecker. "Take us with you!" Optimus pleaded with his optics as well.

"Be my guest," Wheeljack mumbled and Raf prepared the bridge. "They are still sparklings though, and they are going against Megatron," Jack stated and shivered at the thoughts of what he could do.

  Bumblebee looked up at him and ran up to Raf. He smiled and looked at him with his round baby blue optics. "Aww!" Miko coed and squealed. The scout chirped softly.

"Just be careful," Raf told him and raised his hand for a high five. Bee suddenly hugged him and dashed down the steps.

"Bye Jack!" The Two wheeler waved and transformed to her wheels. Optimus transformed and rolled up front as Bulkhead said his goodbye and done the same.

Wheeljack transformed by the side of the small vehicles."Prime? Are you gonna call it?"  Jackie asked to the small red and blue semi truck.

"Autobots! Roll out!" The prime called out and giggled afterwards before speeding through the bridge.


They arrived at a dark and gloomy place, frightening them. Voices were heard from the other wall, noting clearly there is a room on the other side.

They all transformed aiming their blasters around the room. "It's scary in here.." Smokescreen muttered quietly and snapped his helm up when he saw a dark figure, a dark spider like figure.

It sprung down to the slender blue femme. She shook slightly with fear and narrowed her optics. "Arcee, what a pleasure to see you again," Airachnid drawled and stepped forward.

Arcee snickered,"Pleasure for who? You have been a pain for me for years!" Airachnid sneered,"I'm bringing more pain."

The others watched and signaled that it was time to continue on their journey. Arcee grumbled something and angrily attempted to walk around her.

"Let me go past!" The femme demanded and slid to the side. "Not a chance," Airachnid smirked. She knew the femme always had a temper, she might as well use it against her.

Wheeljack growled and picked up the spider femme glaring at her. She forced her helm back, knowing that she was in trouble. He walked to a room and tossed her in.

"Let's go," He mouthed and started running down the hall. They took s sharp turn when they reached a lab. Few regular sized vehicons roamed as Shockwave observed the relic.

"If Watchet found a way to wepaiw the welic, can't we just use the half we have now?" Smokescreen asked and it seemed Shockwave had heard.

"The medic had found a way to repair the relic?" He repeated, sounding very interested. Bumblebee raised his cannons ready to fire.

Bulkhead readied his although it seems he doesn't remember how to use it. The vehicons held then at gun point, as did they.

"I suggest that you give us what we need and I will see to it that Lord Megatron will see to you quickly," The scientist glared with his large red optic.

"We will beat you and your Vehicons!" Arcee growled ready to fire. "That's illogical," Shockwave muttered and stepped forward.

"Your illogical!" Arcee snapped and shot close to his ped. "Burn," Smokescreen whispered to the black and yellow sparkling.

"Why are you so mean to me!" The one eyed scientist stomped his ped. He shook his helm suddenly remembering the situation. "Get them, I must continue on finding a solution,"  Shockwave muttered and started doing what was in his capability.

Wheeljack revealed his katanas and gave a battle cry before slashing at the 'Cons. Bulkhead shot with his cannon and flew into a wall. "I forgot to stand my ground..." He mumbled and switched to his wrecking mace.

Arcee alternated between her blades and blasters while Smokescreen punched the helm of the opponent. Optimus shot one and was knocked off his peds by another.

Bumblebee ran for Shockwave and swung a punch, missing just barely. The scientist spun around and punched, connecting on the faceplate. The scout slid back and glared menacingly at him.

"Why don't you hand over the cure to make us whole again?" The scientist asked and stood in his casual position. He clicked in response and raised his fists. The scout charged and punched but was caught by Shockwave.

He twisted it and the scout fell on one knee plate in pain. He cried out in his broken voice and tried to avoid crying. He sniffed and closed his optics before giving a hostile glare.

Shockwave twisted more and he broke down again. His arm became mangled and he fell onto the ground. Shockwave aimed his cannon at his helm and Wheeljack froze.

"Harm the Kid and get sent to the Pits of Kaon!" Wheeljack growled. "Again, I suggest you hand over the cure or the scout gets it," He threatened, his cannon warmed.

"He won't get hurt...will he?" A small feminine voice sounded from below. He shook his helm and still silence followed.

The door slid open and in came Megatron and Soundwave.



The two glared at each other unsure what to do. A memory flashed to Optimus, suddenly remembering how he killed Elita. The brief memory was gone and he gritted his dental plates in anger.

"You started this war!" The Prime yelled. Wheeljack was stunned that the Prime even remembered in his current state. Optimus cooled down as his systems were overheated.

Megatron remained silent throughout the time. "They have a cure to make us whole again," Shockwave explained.

Optimus was still angry but stood his ground. Bumblebee  drawn out a long whirr that could only be him groaning.

Agonizing silence passed between them, Optimus giving death glares to the Warlord while he looked somewhat confused. Megatron looked up and his lips parted as he spoke.

"Kill him if you must."

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