Chapter Six

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  The team appeared from the Green and blue swirling portal, closing quickly behind them.

Larger, much larger robots blasting the places to pieces and kidnapping a large cylinder-like piece.

"It's over, 'Cons," The small Prime remarked and his battle mask slid across his face plate.
  "Auto......Autobots! Attack!" Optimus yelled and their battle cries ran through the air.

The vehicons noticed, some chuckled, others aimed at them.

Bumblebee screamed in his shattered voice and started blasting the 'Cons leg repeatedly. "It growled and fired at the ground, missing the scout as he moved to quickly.

  Bulkhead smashed one's ped, causing a dent to form. He shot its metal abdomen, scorch marks appearing where it was shot.

Arcee used her acrobatics to her advantage and leaped onto the shoulder of one and gently tapped its helm with her blaster. It turned its helm and blankly stared as she grinned noticing its world went black a second after.

Smokescreen climbed up the frame of the Decepticon and punched it in the face plate. It stumbled backwards and he shot him before giggling and running off.

Optimus grumbled something and looked up at the 'Con. "Stop stealing, it's not nice," He scolded and held onto its leg as it walked.

"Let it go!" He growled angrily and unsheathed his sword. He chopped at him, blue liquid starting to slip from the wound.

It dropped the cylinder and shot at the Prime continuously, connecting the blast the last time.

The Prime whimpered and hugged his tiny arm as coolant filled his optics.

Arcee shot at the 'Con watching some retreat from her team and she ran to support the leader.

"Ratchet?" Arcee asked through her com in her small voice."Optimus is hurt..." She looked at the bleeding arm and heard the others approaching.

"Sending a bridge now," He said off the other line and they heard the portal open up.

The humans jumped out, June hurrying over to the small sparkling. She cradled the red and blue mech and he cried into her shirt.

"Hold on Optimus, We need to get you back to base," She whispered and ran back. Arcee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, And Bumblebee, Let's go!" Jack yelled and they followed his command.

They ran through into the base, finding the mini Prime resting on A medical berth.

"Contact Whe-" Ratchet lost his train of thought and Rafael was already contacting the bot.


Ratchet worked intently, occasionally losing what he was doing and getting reminded by the nurse.

Bulkhead chatted with Miko, Arcee played with Bumblebee and Smokescreen in racing and the humans monitored from the catwalk.

"They seem so...." Jack thought of the words that could all be logical."Happy, playful, opposite of war hardened selves?" Raf finished his sentence and raised a brow.

  An engine was heard from the tunnel of the base. Ratchet continued to work on his Old Friend.

Arcee jumped in front of Jack,  as did Bumblebee and Bulkhead for their human charges as they glared at the tunnel.

In came a white red and green  McLaren 650S speed through and spin into his transformation.

"Where's...." He narrowed his optics towards the small little bots protecting their human allies.

"What happened?" He asked and looked at Miko who stared back.

"Why are you looking at me?" The girl sounded offended and he rolled his optics.

Smokescreen walked up to him and furrowed his optic ridges. "You!" He shouted up at him, yet he ignored him.

He growled."You!"He shouted a little louder, making the kids giggle. "This is a serious matter!"He yelled and jumped up and down, having a fit.

The wrecker sighed and looked down at him. "Ya, Rookie?" He glared at his serious optics.

"Hi! I'm Smokescween! " He smiled proudly and walked back to the human area.

"I accidentally tripped and pressed the relic and it somehow turned the bots into sparklings," Rafael confessed ashamed.

"What does Doc want me to do?" He questioned as he approached the relic.

  "Don't break it!" He snapped and stomped his ped. WheelJack grinned and raised an optical ridge as he noticed it was in half.

"Where's the other half?" He quizzed and hovered his servos over the relic confused.

"With the Decepticons....." Jack trailed off and stared at the dark tunnel.


  Megatron walked along the Nemesis hearing the faint sound of a portal open and close.

He transformed and flew down the halls and transformed in front of the large vehicon.

"More of you! Except bigger! " He complained in shock.

"Imma name you..... Megsy!" He grinned forgetting about his vehicon form.

He ran down to the catwalk seeing all the tiny little Vehicons dashing around the place.

Starscream raised his claw-like digits, readying from behind the warlord, wanting to end this here and now.

   He raised his digit about to plunge when the slightly larger silver mech spun around.

  "Starscweam? Are you..trying to....end me here?" The warlord asked and narrowed his red optics.

He sneered, "I might as well do the same to you!"

He aimed his blaster ready to fire until he felt something, unusual. "What is this!"He growled in his small voice.

Knockout, followed by Shockwave and Soundwave entered.

Shockwave walked up to the warlord.

"My liege, there was mishap with the relic....." He muttered quietly, expecting his bellowing and wrath to be punished by him.

"What Welic, faceless?" He asked, quite confused and slightly rude. Shockwave stepped back at his insult.

He turned back towards the coward, Starscream and jumped when he saw Soundwave beside him.

"You Stalker!" He said very spooked.

"The relic, I believe has turned us Into our younger state, which I find very illogical. Yet it can be used to hopefully restore us to our normal state and resume back to our normal activities," He stated.

"The faceless 'bot is smart," Starscream whispered to the communication specialist.

"Work on it then!" He commanded and failed his metal appendages. Shockwave nodded and left the room.

Knockout stood awkwardly alone and quickly followed him.

He grinned and warned up his cannon ready to fire, the unmusical feeling as if something was inside still felt to him.

He shook his cannon and looked inside to see a small Vehicon clogging it.



Apologize for the late chapter, I was busy with other things and haven't had much time to update.

And since I haven't had much time, I tried to make it as humorous as possible.

Be expecting more Chapters from this book because they will be coming.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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