Chapter Four

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    Miko chatted with Bulkhead and he kept mentioning about Wheeljack and telling her stories. "I remember this time where he put a smoke bomb in...  In..... in....  Ceasespray's berth room and it scared him like crazy! " He grinned proudly and watched her get to her locker.

  She opened her bag and started to put him in.  He frowned and put his arms out to prevent himself from going into the locker.  "Bulkhead! " She growled and started forcing him into the locker.

"No, " He replied and kept pushing himself out. She turned him to face her and smirked.  She grabbed out some comics and set them in. He didn't move and just stared at the colors that were splattered all on the page.

  He looked at her and stared confused and shook his helm. She grabbed out her sketch book and color pencils and put them in the locker reluctantly. Bulkhead grinned and leaped into the locker and closed it quickly.

  Miko chuckled and headed to class. Bulkhead's optics were the only light that was in the dark confined space. He started drawing pictures of Cybertron and then a picture of Mike and him holding hands.

He put a heart over his helm and a guitar next to Miko.  Well a purple stick with a few strings and a music note next to it.  He smiled proudly and continued to color.

    Optimus marched down the hallway and saluted to the pictures on the wall. He heard the door knob turn and release. His spark jumped out of his chest and he ran to the door.

He stopped when he was about to open and heard unfamiliar voices. He gasped and looked out the window to see three men outside. Not today,  he thought and hid behind a table.
  The guys opened the door with a crowbar and smiled wickedly before entering. The Prime bolted to a lamp and transformed his servos to cannons.

One guy grabbed a diamond necklace from a cupboard and set it in his black bag. "This 'oughta get me some money, " The thief said and moved onto something else.
  Optimus shot at the thief and missed just barely. The guy jumped and turned around to face a lamp but nothing else. He mumbled something and felt sharp pain shoot through his leg.
He gritted his teeth in anger and pain and fell to the floor. Another came around and saw the other bleeding on the floor. Optimus switched to his blades and silently yelled before putting a deep cut on his shin. He yelled and fell to the floor with his friend and looked at the deep cut that started continuously bleeding.

He giggled before some other pointed a gun to his helm. "What are you? " He asked and the little sparkling shook.

I must protect the house,  He thought before he whipped around like lightning and shot the opposing in the shoulder. He gripped it and stumbled to the door.  Sirens sounded outside and the little Prime ran to hide somewhere.

The police searched the area and thanked the neighbor for informing them. They stared at the wounded men and took the bag of goods from them. He dialed the house owner's number and waited for it to pick up.


  June say down with her cup of coffee and felt her phone ring. She hummed and sipped some of her coffee before picking up the device. 

Her eyes widened when she saw the three numbers. 911.  She immediately stood up and walked our the door as she answered.

  "H-hello? " She shakily answered and waited for a response. "Ma'am,  are you June Darby? " He asked through the device. "Yes, yes I am. " She responded and pressed her hand against her heart and paced the sidewalk. "Your house was broken into but it seems as if someone had handled them before we had the chance to get here. Your possessions are fine but no one harmed, all except the thieves. " He added and waited for her response.

"Optimus, " She muttered gratefully and sighed in relief. "Thank you,  officer, "She thanked and got in the car.  She drove odd down the road to go pick up her son.

     The door unlocked and a woman with three children came through. She looked around and saw blue and red playing behind a stand. She put her keys up and hugged the bot picking her up to her size.

Arcee jumped off and examined the stained blood on the floor. "Whoa," She whispered and looked at the prime. Bulkhead grabbed a paper and hugged it before giving it to Miko.

  The girl looked at it and saw a green tiny figure holding a girl with pinkish purple and black hair hand.  A heart was above the green figure and somewhat of a guitar next to her. "Aww, thank you Bulk, " She knelt down and hugged him as she looked at the paper.

Bumblebee and Smokescreen hopped out and looked down from the others gaze. "What's wong?" Arcee asked and walked up to the two. The scout whirred nervously and looked over his shoulder embarrassed. The other stared at Raf who smiled down at him. "Are you mad at us?" He asked the boy and he shook his head.

"I'm glad that you guys didn't get taken away, " He signed and picked up a yellow toy car. "Can Twailgate come over?" The blue femme asked and looked at them. The humans all looked at eachother and then their shoes.

"H-he is not d-d-dead is he? Not wike Cwiff... " A tear ran down her faceplate and she dropped to the floor,  drawing knees to chest plate. Bumblebee grabbed the boy's toy car and gave it to the femme. The two wheeler hesitantly took it and stared at it. Bumblebee hugged her and let go and his optics got fuller and it seemed like he was smiling.

  She shut her optics and learned on his arm and cried. "They would be cute together, " June whispered to her son. His eyes widened and he looked at her mother. "We... should head back to base," He said to get his kind off the thought and walked to the car.

Arcee walked and lost ever balance but  regained it quickly. She still held the car in her arms as she reached the car and hopped in. Jack sat up front while Miko and Raf sat in back. Bumblebee sat next to his charge and Arcee sat in between him and Bulkhead.  Smokescreen sat on the other side of Miko. Optimus sat on Jack's lap and grinned as he saw all the sights and places there were.

They all signed and drove down the road to base.

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