Chapter Three

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Shockwave examined the piece carefully and scanned it for proof. "Is it some weapon that can turn the Autobot's to our side?" A smirk clear in the 'Cons voice. "That is illogical, Knockout," The scientist replied roughly and set the relic on the tlab table.

Starscream walked through the door as it slid open and closed once he went through. "Have you found out what this... thing does?" His voice sharp making them skeptical. They remained quiet and the red mech walked out the room. "Nothing!" He snapped angrily.

"We can't be certain on how to identify this relic or how to operate it," Shockwave answered and looked at him with his larg red optic. The commander felt chills run down his spinal cord and straightened up. "Well could you hurry.. Megatron wants this to be ready to be used against the Autobot scums before they use it against us!" He snapped again.

The scientist stared and he walked towards the relic. Starscream walked towards him and ran his digit along the table. He pressed a digit along the side of the relic and came across a button. "I might of found something, without your scanners," He proudly stated and pushed his digit on the button.

A blinding light flashed across the room and the two 'Cons covered their optics as the light increased brightness.


Jack walked into his house from the garage and the small prime smiled at the sight. June looked at the two bots that were next to her son and cocked her head. "They look just like Arcee and Optimus, what happened?" She questioned dumbfounded. "They became... well sparklings..." He stuttered and the small femme jumped out his bag and hugged the mom's leg.

Optimus let go of the teen's hand and started tumbling on the ground. Arcee grinned and climbed up her charge's leg and jumped off Jack's shoulder. She flipped and landed on her stomach giggling at her failure. "I got guns!" She exclaimed and tried hard to show them.

The teen's eyes widened and her guns showed and she nudged him with one of them. "Put those back to your hands, young lady!" June said sternly, forcing the tiny femme to reluctantly turn to her servos. "Where is Cwiffjumper?" She asked quietly and got picked up by her friend.

Jack sighed and looked into her blue optics that showed hope, unlike he has ever seen before. "He..He died..." He mumbled and looked away from her gaze. "Are you wying?" She asked with disbelief. "I hate being the bearer of bad news," He muttered and walked into his room.

Arcee sat on his bed and tried to fight back the tears that seemed to fill her optics. "He..No.." She managed to get out before she broke down again. She grabbed Jack's sleeve and poured tears of coolant into it. He felt his shirt sleeve getting soaked by her crying, yet he didn't pay much attention to it.

"I-I have school tomorrow, you should probably get some rest in," Jack muttered and put her in a blanket on the opposite side of his bed. She sniffed and wiped away a tear and closed her optics. The boy sighed and switched off the lights and buried his face into his soft pillow.

Optimus walked in and crawled over Jack and slept by his side. "Goodnight Jack," He whispered and hid under the covers for rest.

~Short time skip

Jack walked up towards the table and poured him a bowl of cereal. The tiny blue femme climbed onto the table and watched him intently. "Where is Optimus?" Jack raised a brow and heard metal steps against the floor. The prime scratched his helm and looked around. "Elita?" he asked and looked around.

"Where's Elita?" He questioned. Jack was about to answer until his Mother walked in. "Come on Jack, time for school," She said and opened the door to the garage. "Mom... I can ta-" He remembered the bots state and nodded. Arcee hopped in his school bag and waiting for the other to get in.

"I'm going to guard the house!" Optimus gleefully smiled and saluted to them. June giggled and walked into the garage and left the door open for Jack. "Don't make a mess," The teen demanded and walked to the garage.


The humans met up in the hallway and looked at their bags. "They come with you?" Miko asked quietly and looked over her shoulder. Bumblebee poked his head out and so did Arcee and Bulkhead. They waved at each other and the humans pressed them back down.

They looked at each other and though of a plan. "Keep them out of sight!" Jack instructed and zipped up his bag. His bag moved around and shook making a ruckus through the hall. "Go!" He whisper shouted and they all separated.

Jack moved down the hallway and heard his bag unzip."Jack? Why are you hiding me?" She asked and looked at the back of his head. "Reasons," He replied and came face to face with Vince.

"Heh, look who we've got here," He said and his gang circled him. "Bug off, Vince," The teen growled and tried to get past. Arcee heard what was going on and clenched her servo tight. They continued to shove him around until Arcee leaped out his bag and cut him with her arm blade and transformed into her motorcycle mode.

Vince stumbled back and watched blood emerge from the cut. One of the gang members picked up the femme and held the semi-large motorcycle in his hand. The wheels screeched on his hands and he dropped her to the ground. "Remote?" He growled and kicked her over to Jack.

He grabbed her and put her back into his bag and ran off to his locker. The femme lowered her helm and whispered," Sorry..." He opened his locker quickly and set her in there. "It's fine... just stay here and don't leave," He commanded and closed his locker gently.


Rafael grinned as his friend beeped and chirped in his bag about things that he wasn't even sure about.Smokescreen started chatting afterwards about stuff and what to do. The boy sighed and walked to his classroom and set his bag by his seat.

Bumblebee looked out of the bag and stared at the boy with his big blue optics. Rafael a finger to his mouth and looked towards his teacher.

Bumblebee and Smokescreen shook in his bag and started jumping and shaking the bag furiously. A kid in front stared down at the bag and then to Raf.

The boy shushed his friend trying to get him to calm down. "Rafael Esquivel? " A stern voice from the front of the class sounded through the room.

"Yes, Mr.Veil, " his shaky voice was clear as he responded. "What is making you interrupt class? " She asked and walked down to him.

Bumblebee dimmed his optics as did Smokescreen and pushed themselves further down his bag. "N-Nothing, " He stammered and pulled his bag closer to him.

The teacher held out his hand ordering the boy to give him what he had silently. He gulped and handed the bag to him.

The teacher took the bag and stared inside as he took one out and another. He picked up something yellow and put it on the table. He grabbed a blue car and held it up confused. "Rafael... Is this what you have been playing with? " He questioned and held the black and yellow muscle car in his hand.

"No ma'am... I was simply... Making sure that... It was.... Ni-nice for my... Sister..... " He lied nervously. The teacher hugged and dropped the car into the bag and continued to teach. Bumblebee beeped apologetically and covered his face plate with his servos. Smokescreen lowered his helm in shame knowing that he messed up.

He nodded and focused on what they were learning and sighed.

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