Yoonbum x Reader x Sangwoo - Different Part 2

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Upcoming Chapters at the bottom!!

I'm so sorry for not updating in a while but things should go a lot more smoother from now on because I'm finally done with my science fair project (I got an A :,)) and other stuff + spring break is here :D now here's my part two of a recent chapter titled Different. I had a lot of fun writing it. Enjoy and sorry for any errors!!

I saw Sangwoo and Yoonbum already chatting, relieved they already knew each other and I wouldn't have to do that awkward thing when introducing them to each other.

'bleh, this is blah and blah, this is bleh'
Then they'd just shake hands and say it was nice to meet them even though they didn't really give a fuck.

I walk up to the both of them but as I get closer and hear what they're saying. . .

'are they arguing?' I thought.

Now that I was closer, I can see their face expression better and they both seemed to have furrowed eyebrows. Before I could listen to what they were talking about, they both spot me. And to my surprise, they both immediately smile.

"Hey (Y/N), I came a bit early if that's ok." Sangwoo says.

"I came here earlier." Yoonbum huffs.

Sangwoo furrows his eyebrows like I saw before,"No one likes a liar, Bum."

Yoonbum's ears turn red and then furrows his own eyebrows,"whatever, third wheel."

They stare each other down. . .

I stand there, awkwardly laughing. "Heh guys let's just get a table, ok?" I hold one hand each of the two and lead them to a table enough for all three, sitting at it. We all settle into our seats and pick up the menus. "I guess you both already know each other. . .?" I speak, not letting my eyes leave the menu. Sangwoo then looks up from his menu,"ya we know each other." Yoonbum glares at Sangwoo,"but we aren't friends." I find what I want to eat and look at the two of them,"why aren't you friends?"

Yoonbum looks at Sangwoo then says seriously,". . .Sangwoo trapped me in the basement of his house, torturing me for god knows how long. He broke my leg so I couldn't walk, hung me, threaten me, slit parts of my body. . ." He stares at me now, looking as serious as ever.

I stare back, wide eyes in complete shock.

After staring at Yoonbum's stoic face for a few more minutes, he suddenly breaks out into a huge laughter and Sangwoo can't help himself and soon joins in after him. Now I'm confused...

"w-what's so funny...?" I stutter out.

Yoonbum continues to laugh,"I-I'm only kidding (Y/N)! But god, the look on your face!" He laughs more with Sangwoo. I blush in embarrassment,"b-but you looks so serious!" Yoonbum's laugh dies down and he just beams,"acting."

Sangwoo is smiling too,"the real reason why we don't like each other is a totally different story." I sigh and nod my head. "Sangwoo was my bully throughout elementary school and middle school" Yoonbum huffs,"the things he did to me were unforgivable." He frowns, folding his arms. I'm surprised,"you've known each other since elementary?" Sangwoo nods his head,"ya, that's a long time, isn't it. It's not a good thing though." After Sangwoo finishes speaking, the waitress comes by.

"are you all ready to order?" She looks at Sangwoo and Yoonbum and gives them a nice smile, but when she looks at me, she stops smiling? I read her name tag. . .

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