Sangwoo x Abandoned! Reader [Lemon] - Home Is Where Your Heart Is

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Guys I seriously apologize for the long wait :( I know it's been forever since I last uploaded a chapter in this book but I'm so relieved now to have finally written something. After school ended on the 24th of May, I took a month long vacation somewhere outside of my home state to see family I haven't seen in 10 years. So I'm really sorry if that got in the way of my writing but that vacation was very important to me, it was a family reunion.
Also do any of u play Persona 5?? Oml best game I've ever played tbh and I love all the characters sm :,))
Also sorry if the lemon part of this chapter seemed too short, I was in a hurry to upload something new to read *heavy sigh*

As always sorry for any errors!!💕

After all I've been through, after all they've done to me. . .

They finally decided to kick me out. . .
A 16 year old, kicked out by. . .

Her parents.

'I didn't do anything'

'what's wrong with me'

'why am I different'

'why doesn't anyone love me'

'I'm so lonely. . .'

The thoughts ran in and spread like a wildfire in my brain. And I couldn't help but weep shamelessly into my arms. I sat in the dark alleyway at sunset, my knees against my chest. No one was there for me, not my parents. Not ever. It wasn't fate, this isn't karma. I'm only here because I am simply not enough, I can't satisfy my parents and that's why they abused me, that is why I'm stuck here, soaked in the late rain as the sun goes down. I shiver. My tears begin to finally dry until I just sniffle. The only thing left for me to do was sleep on the cold, hard cement.

Once morning came, the rain had stopped. I stood and stretched with some pain in my back, a result of sleeping on the concrete. I remembered the events that happened last night, it gave me a headache. I was about to sit back down until I heard my stomach growl. I have no food, no money and I was starving. I look down at my clothes, seeing how dirty they already were as well as wet from the rain. I'm disgusted in myself and I didn't even think of begging for money because I didn't think of myself as that type of desperate person. But for some reason, I was ok to steal food from either others or food stands. My stomach growls harder as I spot a market selling fruit. My eyes lay on the green apples. I swiftly move from hiding spot to another until I run for it, grabbing only one apple as I spring past.

"HEY! THEIF!!" I hear a loud, masculine voice behind me, yelling. 'This is wrong...' I thought in my head. 'But I'm so hungry...'

I continue to run as fast as I could but I still hear the same old voice yelling at me to return what I stole. Before I can run any further, I ran past this tall figure going the opposite way. When I continue running, he grabs my arm and pulls me back so I couldn't run anymore. I get startled and my apple drops when I get yanked. I quickly look up at the person who still has a grip on me. When I see him, he's already staring back down at me, looking unhappy, maybe even scary.

Before I can escape his hold, the angry owner of that fruit market catches up to us and stops, seeing the apple now crushed onto the dirty ground, he picks it up, glaring at me.


'But I can't... I'm poor...'

I stutter in a quiet voice,"I-I..." I begin but I'm quickly cut off by the other man who had stopped me while I was on the run, he's still here, right beside me.

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