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Travis: Shhhhh... 

Connor: We aren't supposed to be showing you this...

Travis: It's top secret, it's even a secret in the Hermes Cabin...

Connor: Only the top of Hermes' Cabin can know about this...

Travis: But we are worried that one day, someone will discover it...

Connor: So we hacked the author's Wattpad account... Whatever that is...

Travis: And we are going to post the contents on this, they aren't in any particular order...

Connor: This is TOP SECRET! 

Travis: You must not share this no matter what, but this content is important for the future... Read on and don't share no matter what.

Connor: The first one you might already know...

Travis: This is... THE BLACK MAIL BOX


Code Name: Online Marrage?

People Involved: Frank, Leo, and Aphrodite

Can be used against Frank and Leo to get what we want... Lots of power...

The Scene:

Leo has changed his name to Katniss Everdeen

Katniss Everdeen: This girl is on Fire!!!

Katniss Everdeen: I'm superman

Katniss Everdeen: THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE!!!

Percy: How is he typing so fa-

Katniss Everdeen: I LIKE TRAINS!!!


Katniss Everdeen: YES!!!


1 day later

Kaniss Everdeen has changed her name to Leo

Leo: I must have been so hyper to marry Frank!!!


Frank: This is awkward

Leo: Awko Taco!!!

To make this even better, they actually had a full on wedding! Leo was in a white dress!!! However, this was all due to Aphrodite... But we did get photos of the wedding... SO MUCH POWER!!! ;)


Travis: Remember, you must only use the information from these files for the greater good!

Connor: The greater good meaning whenever you want something from one of these people

Travis: But besides trying to get your way, you must NEVER SPEAK OF THESE!!!

Connor: NEVER!!!

Travis: We will tell you stories that you may know, and stories you may not know

I hope you like this idea, let me know if you want more of these!!! If you have any recommendations for these, I might use them!!!

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