Chapter 1

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 Yeah. School, my favorite thing in the world, just kidding, I hate school. It's only fun when my best friend Alex is around. Even though he's here right now, sitting next to me, it still sucks right now. I'm in science, with Mrs. Curry. I don't usually swear but I have to say she was a bitch.

Alex: Hey are you doing anything after school?

Me: No why?

Alex: Because I want to surprise you with something

Me: okay what ti...... I was cut of by the she- devil

Mrs. Curry: UUUMMM excuse me you 2. Why are you talking?

Me: Sorry...

In my head I was thinking, I am talking because I am a pea-cock and you gotta let me fly! No, I'm just kidding. I was actually thinking, I'm talking because it's my mouth, and I can use it when I want.

Mrs. Curry: Okay, now class, I am going to set you up with partners. Mary, your with Tyler, Jimmy with Clair, Alex with................ Stephanie, then Bryan with Tiffany, Harry with Louis and the last group will be Sam and Sky.

Yessssss, I was with Alex. AND my other friend Tyler was with his crush... Mary... AAAAWWWWW. Tyler and Alex were really good friends. They were always talking about this Austin kid. Apparently, Alex, Tyler, Austin and other people did twit cams all the time and Austin could sing and stuff, and they just got kinda "famous". But I'm just a regular 16 year old girl that knows nothing.


Finally, Science was over. I had it last period so then me, Alex and Tyler all walked to the ice cream place 2 blocks away from school. They had the best ice cream. They had like a million different flavors, it was like heaven. I loved ice cream but I liked pizza more. :)

Alex: Are you ready for the surprise

Me: UUUMMM yes I have been thinking about it ever since you brought it up.

Alex: Well, to bad, you have to wait.

Me: I hate you

Alex: No you don't, you love me

Me: yea I do just not like the boyfriend girlfriend way

Alex: Duuuuuhhh mo-ron.

Me: Your mean

Tyler: Can we order now?!?! I'm starving.

Me: You had lunch like and hour ago.

Tyler: so... We all laughed at our weird conversation and ordered our ice cream.

Me: can I have a small mint chocolate chip ice cream please?

Worker: Sure cone or bowl?

Me: cone please

Alex: I will have the same but in a bowl

Tyler: Can I have a chocolate brownie swirl, with caramel, whip cream, rainbow sprinkles and a cherry?

Worker: umm sure thing

Me: Fatty

Tyler: I said I'm hungry

Alex: What ever haha lets go now.

The worker handed us our ice creams and we headed to Alex's house.


Thanks guys for reading this. It's my first fan fic so NO HATEN!


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