Chapter 7

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So Alex really is a great guy. He is recording all of mine and Austin's moments. The whole Austin singing to me for the first time, then on the porch, and the peck on the cheek, and I don't know but Alex is Alex and he possibly got the date.


The date. I still can't believe I kissed him already. On the first date. And I have only known him for 3 days!!!! UGH! I mean, I really like him, we kissed, he sings to me, maybe it was meant to be? I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't go on a second date for a while. I am suddenly having 2nd thoughts about this and I don't know why.

It is now the day after the date and I hadn't gotten any sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Austin. I think I am really missing him right now, even though he is only a few blocks away from Alex's house.

I am trying to stop thinking about it. It's 4 o'clock in the morning and I still haven't slept. I got up out of my bed and walked quietly down the hall to the bathroom to take a shower. Alex was a heavy sleeper so I don't think running water would wake him.

I slipped into the steaming warm water, and let the drops hit my face. Showers made me a little sleepy so maybe I could actually fall asleep after this.

I had been in the shower for about a half hour and it was now 4:45. The sun was just barley rising, and then I remembered. It was Monday, I had to go to school. I completely forgot!!!

As I was stepping out of the shower, I got a text.

It was from Derek.

Derek: Where have you been?

Me: None of you business.

Derek: It is my business, and if your at the little fag's house, I'm coming over there

Me: you are not coming over here! I will call the cops

Derek: Go ahead, call them, but before they find me, I can still hurt, the Alex, Austin, and your whole stupid group of friends.

Me: don't even think about hurting my friends, don't hurt them, hurt me

I didn't get a text back. I started to panic. I ran to Alex's room and knocked.

He let me in and I told him what happened. He hugged me tightly and called 911.

We went to go sit on the porch and wait for the police. Austin showed up before the cops because Alex called him too.

A dark van kept driving by. I was getting scared. It drove by one more time. A gun shot was fired.

I could feel the bullet hit my side, my ribs. I feel to the ground as Austin and Alex kneeled down, tears streaming down there faces.

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