Chapter 1

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"Tell me why again we had to go to Boos Woods? Especially when you are afraid of ghosts!"

A nineteen year old man sighed as he quivered with fear. He had short brown hair that was covered with a green hat on top of his head. The hat had a "L" on it, surrounded by a white background. His facial features included: sapphire eyes, a well trimmed mustache, and a rather big nose. He was wearing a green undershirt, blue overalls, and brown shoes. He was the younger Manfredi twin, Luigi. His older brother was Mario, the hero of Mushroom Kingdom.

Speaking of Mario, Luigi had recently won a mansion in a contest (that he didn't even enter). But Luigi was too excited to think on details. So, he asked Mario to meet him at the mansion and that he was bringing a friend. And that friend was his best friend, Violet Calico, who was also nineteen years old. She had brown hair was past her shoulders that was covered by a purple hat on top of her head. The hat had a snowflake symbol on it with a white background.

Her facial features included: emerald eyes, fair and white skin, and a small scar on her left cheek. She was wearing a purple shirt, a purple skirt, and purple shoes. Luigi and Violet met sometime ago, when Violet was sent to the kingdom from the real world. Luigi thought it was weird and decided to lie about Violet, to protect her from anyone that might want to study her. But Luigi wouldn't let that happen, he cared too much about Violet.

However, Luigi couldn't tell her that, he was afraid that she would reject him or worse - Violet wouldn't want to be with him. So, Luigi kept his distance - not knowing that Violet liked him too. Luigi hugged Violet, which she so gracefully returned. She was thankful that Luigi was behind her, otherwise he would see her blush. The green clad plumber was thinking the same thing as he pulled away from her, his hands on her shoulders.

Luigi replied, "Vi, relax. There's nothing wrong. We're safe."

Violet nodded simply as the two of them walked the rest of the way in caution. Luigi checked his map and then looked up at the mansion. And the mansion was worn down plus it looked...haunted. Violet gulped.

She stammered, "P - p - please tell me that this isn't it?"

He stammered, "I - I - I only wish I could..."

As if on some instinct, Luigi took Violet's hand as they went up the pathway to the mansion. Violet blushed as she laced their fingers, capturing Luigi's attention. Luigi blushed as he wielded his flashlight like a sword. As the two of them got to the door, Luigi didn't let go of Violet's hand for an instant. Instead, he opened the door while holding the flashlight. Violet was impressed but she felt him shiver a bit as the door creaked open. She shivered.

Violet whispered, "I hope Mario is okay..."

Luigi nodded as he flashed the flashlight into the mansion and yelled, "H - hello?"

When there was no answer, the two stepped into the Foyer. There was a sun print on the ground, a covered mirror in the right hand corner, a dresser with a lamp on top of it in the left hand corner, there was two set of staircases that lead upstairs, and there was also a chandelier in the ceiling.

Violet shivered in fear as the two of them started to walk around. The next door in front of them was sealed off, however. When Luigi stepped into the middle of the sun print, the chandelier started to come down upon him. Violet saw this and gasped.

She ran over and yelled, "Weegie, look out!"

Before Luigi could react, Violet pushed him out of the way but the force of the push sent the two of them toppling onto the ground. The chandelier came down to the ground violently but either party got hurt. Luigi opened his eyes and saw the most wondrous sight. Violet was on top of him, her shirt askew (showing her exceptional cleavage) and their lips inches apart. Luigi was blushing a beat red.

He breathed, stroking her soft hair, "Vi..."

Violet finally opened her eyes and saw the predicament they were in. She blushed heavily and as much as she wanted to kiss Luigi (to stop her pounding heart), she decided against it. Violet got up, much to Luigi's dismay. She offered her hand as he took it to get up.

She stammered, "A - are you okay...?"

Luigi nodded and answered, stammering, "Uh, y - yeah..."

Violet went up the stairs and tried the door there. But the door was locked. Violet went over to the balcony and looked down at Luigi.

She reported, "Door's locked up here."

He replied, "That's weird..."

That's when a cold wind that even made Violet shiver. An orange aura floated above Luigi that held a key and the minute it "saw"  the two of them, it dropped the key. The orange aura then went threw the door that Violet had just tried. Violet screamed in horror, completely terrified. Luigi grabbed the key and went up to Violet. She immediately entered his arms, scared out of her mind. Luigi held her close and rubbed her back.

Violet whispered, "I'm scared, Weegie..."

Luigi confessed, trying to be brave for Violet, "Me too, Vi. Me too."

After Luigi calmed Violet down reasonably, the two opened the door with the key and walked into the room - scared out of their wits. It was the Parlor. All of the sudden, a orange ghost appeared in front of Luigi and Violet. Both of them screamed in fear as they landed on their butts and next to each other. Luigi wrapped his arms around Violet in a protective way as she coward into his chest. Suddenly, the ghost was sucked away from them.

Luigi and Violet looked up as they saw a man there. He was about forty five years old, had one gray hair that looked like a wisp, one tooth out of his mouth, wearing glasses, and a scientist lab coat. On his back was something that looked like a red vacuum cleaner. As the man was trying to suck the ghost into the vacuum, Luigi and Violet were still hanging onto the other on the ground. The ghost eventually managed to punch the man, forcing him back.

The ghost vanished as Luigi and Violet got to their feet and went over to him.

The man commented, "Ouch... Oof... I sure take a lot of knocks in this line of work..."

Violet asked, concerned, "Are you okay?"

The man got up and answered, "Oh, yes. I'm fine... I'm getting too old for this ghost-catching tomfoolery."

Luigi questioned, "Who are you?"

The man explained, "I'm Professor Elvin Gadd, E. Gadd for short. And you two are...?"

Violet answered, "I'm Violet Calico and this is best friend, Luigi Manfredi."

Elvin looked around and commented, "This house, I swear it has more ghosts every day! What's a young feller and woman doing around here anyhoo?"

Before Luigi and Violet could answer, three orange ghosts appeared in the room. Violet grabbed onto Luigi, getting scared again. Luigi kept her close, in a brave and protecting way. He couldn't believe how brave he was being, ghosts got to him all of the time. Violet couldn't understand it either.

Luigi stated, "Looks like we have unexpected company!"

Elvin replied, "Uh-oh! This looks ugly. Alright youngsters, follow me, posthaste!"

With that, the three of them ran out of the mansion as Luigi held Violet's hand tightly. Violet laced their fingers as they ran into Elvin's lab right outside of the mansion...


Wishmaker1028: This was actually my first Luigi's Mansion fanfiction. I rather like the start of this. Violet is gonna tag along for the ride, being more of the scared one and as Luigi wants to protect her, he gets brave. ...or does he? Only one way to find out! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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