Chapter 16

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Luigi and Violet went downstairs to the basement, heading for where the Secret Altar's door was. Finally, the two of them were by the door that stood between Luigi and his brother. The wandering path was strangely quiet without the ghosts pestering them on the way.

The green clad ghost hunter whispered, "I hope we didn't take too long. I hope King Boo hasn't been tormenting you, Malleo. I don't care what King Boo does to me but I promise I will get you out of there."

Violet placed her hand on Luigi's shoulder as he shivered with apprehension.

She whispered, "And we will do it together."

Luigi gave her a small smile as Violet unlocked the door with the final key. The Secret Altar. This was where Mario had been kept all this time, alone but for King Boo's visits. Luigi gripped the Poltergust 3000 tightly and trembled with fear. Violet followed behind Luigi, trembling with fear. King Boo was there, appearing to have an animated, one-sided conversation with Mario. Neither had noticed Luigi and Violet's presence.

King Boo sighed happily as Luigi and Violet froze on the spot, wondering what he was going to say or do next.

He stated, "Aahh, I could just stare at my Mario painting for hours. It's true what they say about fine art... it takes utterly refined sensibilities to truly appreciate it."

Mario muttered, "So I'm fine art? I suppose I make a far painting than you do."

King Boo ignored Mario and continued, "The way you plead for help, Mario... I find it so... satisfying. Perhaps that is merely because I remember how much trouble you've caused me in the past. Seriously though, who would actually believe that mansions get given away in contests?! Talk about stupid! What do they feed you Mario brothers on anyway... gullible soup?"

Luigi felt himself overwhelmed with guilt once again. King Boo was right. Talk about stupid and gullible. Luigi wondered if he would ever forgive himself for it. Violet placed her hand on his shoulder, sensing his guilt.

She whispered, "It'll be okay..."

Luigi gave her a small smile as they went back to studying King Boo.

King Boo commented to his Mario painting, "Your brother came all this way just to get turned into a painting... It's just terrific. However..."

Luigi gripped the Poltergust 3000 so hard he feared it might break when King Boo turned around suddenly; not appearing surprised by Luigi at all and treated the green plumber to his most menacing grin. Mario pressed his hands against the glass, utterly relieved to see his brother standing before him but completely confused by the girl with Luigi. She seemed to be hanging onto Luigi, scared out of her mind.

But the two of them looked like they went through hell in ordinary to get to this point.

Mario breathed, "All...for me...?"

King Boo remarked, "This Mario painting looks lonely... I must have a Luigi and Violet painting as well! Then my gallery will truly be complete!"

Luigi and Violet shuddered at King Boo's maniacal laughter and was unable to say a word.

Mario whispered, "Violet...?"

King Boo stated, "I am not afraid of you two fools! I fear only that infernal Poltergust 3000 you carry on your back, Luigi! Stupid machine!"

Luigi thought, 'At least you fear something. It and Violet's got me this far and they will take me to the very end, King Boo.'

Violet responded, stopping her fear, "You should fear us because we are the ones that defeated your minions!"

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