Chapter 17

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Violet panted as did Luigi, they were scared by King Boo's threat. But Luigi was not letting up, not for a second. Violet gave him a look of confidence, as they nodded to each other. They were not going to let Mario down, not after all of this. They both came too far to give up now.

They both vowed, "We'll see about that!"

With that, Luigi and Violet avoided Bowser's attempt of crushing them. Luigi picked up another one of the iron balls that King Boo obviously hoped to injure or even kill them with. If it was able to do so, Mecha Bowser's eyes would have widened as Luigi launched his next attack, straight into its open mouth, forcing King Boo back into the open. Violet smirked as she created another ice shield around her boyfriend from the ice blasts.

King Boo howled, "No! It shall not end this way! It won't end this way!"

Mecha Bowser's head wasn't doing enough to protect him he thought since the green clad ghost hunter seemed to have worked out its attack patterns by now. The drain on his energy was startlingly fast. It was humiliating, succumbing to the power of a house-cleaning device wielded by none other than a lowly plumber and an ice wielding woman! Had all his Boos felt this way, defeated by a being obviously lesser than themselves?

King Boo tore himself from Luigi's grasp once again and fled into Mecha Bowser's innards. Violet cursed under her breath as did Luigi. Mecha Bowser had put its head on backwards and began charging in all random directions, crushing all in its path. Its tail swung at Luigi and Violet from nowhere, slamming into him body and flinging them onto the hard surface. Violet got up from the cold surface and discovered she was bleeding pretty badly.

Luigi picked himself up unsteadily and pressed a hand against where blood started seeping through his overalls again. He realized that one of Bowser's spikes must have dug into him and he was lucky for it not to have penetrated any further. Violet ran over to him, worried.

She asked, "Weegie, are you okay?"

He nodded as he answered, "I'm fine, Vi. But I'm not going to be defeated now. No way! No chance! This ends here, King Boo!"

King Boo snapped, "It only ends when I say! And this shall end when I place you two on the wall! You all shall have the honor of residing on my mansion walls for all eternity as the true meaning of your failure. You all will be forgotten. Your very names shall be reviled by every person living. You'll know of all the evil and darkness out there and you'll know that there is nothing, absolutely nothing that you can do about it. I shall make sure of that."

Luigi said softly, "No."

Violet added, even as the fires left behind by Mecha Bowser blazed behind them, "You're wrong, King Boo. You're wrong."

King Boo screamed, or rather, Mecha Bowser let off a ferocious roar that nearly deafened Luigi and Violet. It stormed forwards, claws outstretched, threatening to rip into its long-time foe. Luigi pushed Violet out of the way and hissed when one claw found its mark, slicing into his shoulder. In the back of his mind, he could hear Mario's cry of concern (because of their twin telepathy) and he could hear Violet screaming out in total horror.

Mecha Bowser had his claws outstretched again as the another claw found its mark, slicing into Violet's shoulder. She screamed in pain and as Luigi was trying to ignore his pain, Luigi never felt so guilty. Violet was hurt because of him. Luigi pulled up his Poltergust 3000 with a fire lite in his spirit as he grimaced in pain. The green clad ghost hunter kept the nozzle at a steady level. He just needed one more chance to finish King Boo off for good.

All of the pillars had crumbled now. Luigi grabbed Violet and quickly increased the distance between themselves and Mecha Bowser as it threw another barrage of red-hot iron balls. Realizing what Luigi was about to do and cursing himself for his atrocious error; King Boo forced Mecha Bowser into a forwards charge. Luigi stood his ground, keeping Violet hidden and waited for the right moment. Luigi's eyes narrowed with determination.

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