Chapter 2

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"Hey, Sawamura! Go get a juice for me, you hear?" Kuramochi was playing sitting on the floor playing video games, and Sawamura was studying baseball.

"Do I have to, Kuramochi-senpai? Can't you see I'm studying everything about baseball?" Sawamura said with a cranky voice.

"If you don't, I'll make sure you get extra strangled up tonight! I'm giving you five seconds! Five..., four..., three..., two..., on-"

"OKAY OKAY! I'll go!" Sawamura ran out the door before he finished saying 'one'. It was close for him to actually get strangled. Sawamura started walking off to the vending machines. When Sawamura was just about a distance away from the machine, he stopped and hid behind the wall. Great, he didn't want to see Furuya now, since he was still in the process of making his revenge plan, but there was nothing to do. Plus, it was night time, so it's not like he can do anything now. He walked up to the machine and said. "Hey, Furuya."

Furuya looked up, and was surprised to see Sawamura standing there. He quickly turned his face away, and Sawamura saw his ears turning red. Huh? Usually Furuya would just have the usual poker face, but looks like it wasn't. Maybe Harucchi was right about Furuya acting strange. He sighed. Sawamura picked the juice option on the vending machine, and turned to Furuya. "Are you okay? Harucchi told me you were acting weird, so I thought... I'd check up on you." That was definitely a lie. He never planned to check up on Furuya today, but it was the first thing on his mind since he just bumped into him.

Furuya still kept facing down for awhile. Sawamura glanced around, trying to think of what to say next. Why isn't he saying anything? Yeah sure, Furuya isn't a big talker, but he can at least say something.
Sawamura sighed. "Well, I guess, good night..?" Still no answer nor any movement. He sighed again. "Well, I'm going." Sawamura turned around and was about to walk when Furuya suddenly grabbed his hand, which made made Sawamura stop. He was surprised, and looked back at Furuya. "Furuya..?" After a minute, Furuya stood up slowly, then.. BAM! Furuya pinned him to the wall, both hands on Sawamura's wrists. Sawamura was shocked, he couldn't even find the words. Before he can even say to let go, Furuya looked up at him, which forced Sawamura to look at. There was something different about him today, and it made him confused. They were staring at each other for a while, until Sawamura was struggling. "Ermm, can you let me go, Furuya?" Sawamura was squirming, but Furuya held a tight grasp.

"Do you... love someone?" Furuya asked. That made Sawamura blush. "W-W-WHAT?!" Sawamura shouted. "WHAT IN THE WORLD-" But Sawamura couldn't finish because Furuya's lips were on his. Sawamura's eyes got wide. What was Furuya doing? What did he mean by 'love someone'? Does this mean he... No! It cannot be! Sawamura broke off the kiss by turning his head. He tried to avoid Furuya's face as much as possible, but Furuya wouldn't allow it. He grabbed his face and turned it around, forcing him to look at Furuya again. Sawamura closed his eyes shut. He didn't understand. Why was Furuya doing this? Doesn't he know he's a guy? Why would he kiss him out of all people?

Furuya sighed. "I have one request, Sawamura." Sawamura opened his eyes and blinked. He opened his mouth to say something, but words couldn't come out. He was definitely speechless about this situation, and he could not think straight. Before he can say anything, Furuya said, "Just stay by my side."

Sawamura was frozen. Stay... by his side? Why? Why him? "Furuya," Sawamura said. "I think... I think you've drank something weird. First of all, you kissed me, even though I'm a guy. Second, I don't even know where this is going. Why are you-" Furuya's lips pressed on Sawamura's again, and this time, the kiss was harder. Furuya bit Sawamura lower lip, forcing to open his mouth and let his tongue roam inside. They kissed until Furuya pulled away, forming a string of saliva, and they both panted and desperately breathed for air.


I've decided to post a new chapter every one-two so weeks since I'm so busy. Thanks!

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